Thank you for being the first of my critics to take the time to read those posts and to respond thoughtfully.
I don’t agree with everything you said. For example, although you may not have have to deal with the same litigiousness we do in the US, you do have to deal with potentially more aggressive criminal prosecutors. If you don’t already know his story, Google “Master Instructor Nigel Craig” and see what knotholes this professional was dragged through when he hadn’t done anything wrong—then extrapolate to a hypothetical scenario in which there’s an injury and standards weren’t followed. My advice to be careful about standards, even ones that seem silly, is just as apt over there as it is here.
I don’t agree that the situation sounds like on-line bullying. The OP disparaged instructors as a group—I called him on his arrogance. That’s just two-way bickering. Doesn’t reflect well on either of us for getting snippy with online strangers. I regret launching a couple of those barbs, but I’m glad I didn’t post the most clever/devastating/immature ones that came to mind. It is a fact that it’s easier to get hostile on line than in person, and this is a good reminder to resist the urge to put fools and knaves in their place (in general—I’m not calling anyone anything here).
I also don’t accept your characterization of the OP as a naïf or a victim, nor do I think he left because of abuse. He’s a grown man. He had no reluctance to attack vigorously those who questioned him, even if they didn’t actually criticize him. If he has in fact left, I think it’s more because he realizes he antagonized a lot of people and his story doesn’t reflect as well on his professional status as he expected. Maybe he’ll come back. Lots of people get off to a rough start here, but eventually settle in. People may have short fuses here, but they also have short memories when it comes to personal animosity. For my part, I am incapable of nurturing a grudge more than about an hour.
Finally, I think you only begrudgingly acknowledge that my initial posts were not the work of the member of a pack of trolls. Is “probably made with good intentions“ really the best you can say of them? No matter, you made more of an effort to be reasonable than our moderator, so I’m thankful for that.
Best wishes,