If I consider moving from single tank to doubles in the future, I would probably buy a new Evolve wing as it will provide more space for the doubles and more lift (isn't the maximum of 40lbs lift on the Eclipse a bit short with doubles?)
Even the Evolve comes with a lift of 40lb (or 60, but that's usually too much). A 40lbs lift is perfectly fine if you go for a "bi12", which is probably what you will do here in France.
I am not sure if the eclipse has the right shape for the kind of double-cylinders we have here in Europe. On the halcyon website, the eclipse is listed as a single-tank wing... that doesn't necessarily mean that you cannot use it for doubles, but better check with someone expert before to purchase
I live in Paris, far from any interesting place to dive in, so I'm mostly diving in the Mediterranean Sea or abroad while traveling.
Not yet part of the GUE community, but I'll probably take the Fundamentals class (with Marc Aznar, from the website you mentioned) in a month or two so I'm yours soon

I suppose that the GUE community is very small so it would be a pleasure to discuss and meet fellows I'll be joining soon, feel free to PM
I am from Lyon, a bit far

But there are some friends in Paris, and they are very active. I am sure they would like to meet you, even for a dive. If you have the right equipment (e.g. drysuit and cold diving stuff), there are some quarries close to Paris where you could dive with them.
Marc is the administrator of the local GUE group on Facebook, GUE France. Ask him to add you to the group, or just request to be added on your own (I think you can do it because the group is public - if I remember well). Then just post there that you are from Paris and, if you would like to meet someone, just ask
About fundamental, if you are interested in taking it with a drysuit, consider going to Belgium.
As soon as I find a bit of time I will send you a PM
EDIT: Marc is amazing, good choice!