Beginners doing GUE fundamentals?

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Absolutely! We are looking forward to it. We haven't done rescue yet, we had planned on doing AOW in July.
Yes, take Rescue whenever you get a chance. You will learn skills to rescue your buddy or yourself if need be. It will make you more aware of your surroundings and situational awareness. GUE Fundies and Rescue will give you a good solid base whether you stay recreational OR decide to do technical.
While I didn't include AOW, that can be required before you dive in certain places so it is important as well. But yes take GUE - Rescue - AOW
Yes, take Rescue whenever you get a chance. You will learn skills to rescue your buddy or yourself if need be. It will make you more aware of your surroundings and situational awareness. GUE Fundies and Rescue will give you a good solid base whether you stay recreational OR decide to do technical.
While I didn't include AOW, that can be required before you dive in certain places so it is important as well. But yes take GUE - Rescue - AOW
And once you're in the GUE system, you might as well take the GUE Rescue Primer and GUE AOW (formerly Rec 2) classes. But focus on Fundies for now, to get a solid foundation to build upon.
Having been through Navy boot camp and Navy flight school, and multiple deployments flying combat jets from aircraft carriers, I can say this is basically true.

Boot camp involves a lot of hazing and yelling and physical abuse to separate the motivated from the non-motivated. The drill instructors make everyone miserable to get people to quit. Maybe 30% to 50% quit in boot camp. We started with 70 on the first day of boot camp, and only 19 completed boot camp 4 months later.

After boot camp, the yelling and screaming essentially ceases, and the flight program focuses on training to rigorous standards. Instructors want students to succeed. Maybe 5% to 10% wash out of flight school, often because of medical issues that preclude flying (e.g., air sickness).

The Navy has a standardized flight program called NATOPS. You can throw a pilot from one squadron into another squadron on a different aircraft carrier, and there won't be any hiccups because everyone operates the jet identically, and all procedures are identical.

That standardized NATOPS mindset is what attracted me to GUE in the first place. Unfortunately, GUE-F was more like boot camp than flight school, with abuse, hazing, ridicule - and very little education.
@Doc Harry I really feel sorry for that bad experience of yours, as I too had such an experience of a yelling, bad-tempered instructor in the past (from another
agency, although the agency had nothing to do with her character).Thankfully, my current GUE instructor was a really humble, mild person.
I am total for taking Fundies early on. My path was I took OW with your typical churn and burn "we only care that you bought your OW gear from us" type operation and I felt completely uneasy with going into the ocean and diving with the training I received. So what did I do? Got bamboozled into their AOW program and got 5 guided BS dives(Deep, Nav, Boat, Peak, UW Naturalist) and shot through AOW certification in 1 weekend. Did not feel any better so did what anyone today does when they want to learn something, took to youtube academy and during that I stumbled across videos of GUE Divers and was like.. "Hey.. how.. how are they not moving? I want to be like that!"

I took Fundies 6 months after open water and my mind was blown, I often wondered during Fundies "how are these basic how not to die skills taught to you in OW?" It was a challenging class but very very worth it.
.. stumbled across videos of GUE Divers and was like.. "Hey.. how.. how are they not moving? I want to be like that!"
I took Fundies 6 months after open water and my mind was blown, I often wondered during Fundies "how are these basic how not to die skills taught to you in OW?" It was a challenging class but very very worth it.
We discovered that we had the some elements of the mindset from very early on, like 'if we're going to do this, we better be as safe as we can, and good at what we do'.
Yes, just do it!
We are! 🥹
Unfortunately, GUE-F was more like boot camp than flight school, with abuse, hazing, ridicule - and very little education.
Sorry for you experience. I've done GUE-F and GUE-F (tech pass), DPV and Cave 1. With 3 different instructors, none of those classes were easy (Cave-1 was by far the most challenging class I've ever taken) but there was no "abuse, hazing, ridicule", at all.
... there was no "abuse, hazing, ridicule", at all.

Good to hear.

When I was in the GUE-F class, they started talking about the "class handout" and all these formulas that I never saw before.

The GUE instructor said it was my responsibility to figure out how to get these handouts BEFORE the class started, and to master the material BEFORE the class, even though I didn't even know the handouts even existed. The instructor never mentioned these handouts during our phone calls before the class.

The GUE instructor was so angry that I didn't have the handouts that he refused to give me the handouts in class. Then he repeatedly asked me questions about the handouts, even though he knew I had no idea what was in the handouts. Then he ridiculed me in class for not knowing the answers.

Yeah. It was a fun time.

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