OK ladies and Gentlemen, It's only 6 weeks out before the the Fall M & G; it's time to get serious (nearly impossible with Ted and John).
First, some of us, at least me, need to know about how many will be coming so we can plan on how much food to bring. Kielbasa runs about $4 a pound so I want to make sure I get enough but not too much. So please, starting with the next post, let us know your plans and what you will be bringing. Ted, if you're coming and willing to share the bunkhouse, some need to reserve a spot---misstopsail needs a place to lay her head without the bugs and stuff that go "bump" in the night. Well, on second thought, that wouldn't be the bunkhouse because there is always something going "bump" in the night in there.
Second, do we want to try the hobo stew or not? If so, we need to assign ingredients out to those of you coming: beef, or chicken, or Kielbasa, cabbage, sweet corn, carrots, chicken broth and whatever else may sound good in this mixture. Paula needs to know whether to bring her cauldron or not. Start stating your opinions and we will go with the consensus.
Third, one of our breakfast suppliers (Dive'n Hoosier) can't make it this Fall; who wants to bring eggs and bacon for Sat. morning? Also, are our Smores experts coming? Kt, John, Rob; We've got to have the traditional smores around the campfire.
Last, don't forget that if you want to participate in the "Haunted Quarry" activities and save $10, register before Oct. 9. $40 before - $50 on the day of---all goes to charity and you get a meal and a chance to go on a Blackbeard Cruise. Any comments, questions, let 'er rip.