Get together Aug 20/23

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Thanks Marvel.
I appreciate it.

GF! You KNOW you are welcome to dive with me!! I'll PM you with my cell & Jenny knows it as well. Any diving we can do before hand ( all in the name of "training" of course! :wink:
I am really looking forward to meeting those of you that are coming. When you do have something definate, would you please PM me and let me know what days you would like to attend and also what days of boat diving you would like to do.

Sunday PM

Boat dive with Sun Star Aquatics out of Deerfield Beach. Don’t know what we will be diving but we’ll be getting wet!


We’ll be doing some more beach diving, of course. Heck, we may just hijack a boat. Some of the fly-ins will be waiting out their time to fly- could be interesting!

So, that’s it in a nutshell. You guys are all welcome to join us. Just PM either Marvel or myself.
is there any plans for a night dive on monday. and doed the sun star have a website. was thinking of going out for the afternoon trip. i will be with my wife for the morning dive on the american dream for her check out dives and i might just drag her along for thies dives.
Not sure Brian....there are a few of us that are flying out on Tuesday so that would be cutting it very close.

is there any plans for a night dive on monday. and doed the sun star have a website. was thinking of going out for the afternoon trip. i will be with my wife for the morning dive on the american dream for her check out dives and i might just drag her along for thies dives.
Thanks Krista!!

Brian, let us know if you can join us!!
is there any boat night dives planed i might be into that .

i will let you know by the mid of the week if i am going to go on the sun star

Hope you can join us- it's going to be pretty cool!

is there any boat night dives planed i might be into that .

i will let you know by the mid of the week if i am going to go on the sun star

i was thinking of going out for a sunday night dive on the american dream II in fort lauderdale
all are welcome
i was thinking of going out for a sunday night dive on the american dream II in fort lauderdale
all are welcome

Hmmmm.... Mighty tempting! :wink:

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