Get together Aug 20/23

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Hey Guys/Gals!! There’s a bunch of our friends from coming to South Florida over the extended weekend of August 20th-23rd & we wanted to extend an invite to all of our friends to join in as well! We’ve got quite a variety of people- locals, drive-in out-of-towners, & crazy dive maniacs who are flying in to dive in our little piece of paradise. Quiet a few of them are staying at the Pier Pointe Hotel in Lauderdale By The Sea. Marvel’s already let a bunch of people know- Scuba_Jenny, Grier, Rick & Angie- but this is for those of you she hasn’t told yet….

Here is the current agenda that we have set up. Come join us for ALL or PART- It’s going to be a BLAST!!!


Since the Anglin Pier got overlooked in the last beach cleanup, we got it into our heads to do an ‘Unofficial” clean up. We’ll be diving around the pier in both the morning & afternoon. We’ve got lift bags & buckets to bring up debris. There’s going to be a break for lunch & we’re having a BBQ in the evening. The dive maniacs will probably throw in a night dive just to round out the day.


We’re heading out well before the crack of dawn to Tavernier Dive Center for two boat trips. The Eagle & a reef in the morning followed by the Duane & a reef in the afternoon. Back to LBTS to hang out &/or a night dive for our maniacs.

Sunday AM

Beach diving? Sleep in? Church? An extra boat dive? There will be people doing it all. That’s probably after a nice leisurely breakfast at one of the local restaurants… we singledivers are a lot like our scubaboard counterparts!

Sunday PM

Boat dive with Sun Star Aquatics out of Deerfield Beach. Don’t know what we will be diving but we’ll be getting wet!


We’ll be doing some more beach diving, of course. Heck, we may just hijack a boat. Some of the fly-ins will be waiting out their time to fly- could be interesting!

So, that’s it in a nutshell. You guys are all welcome to join us. Just PM either Marvel or myself.
CBulla and BigSage, we hope that the both of you will find a way to make it that weekend. I am actually flying in along with another guy from New Mexico on the 19th and we are not leaving until the 24th. Looking to finally put some faces to the names of all of my new found friends.

Aw, come on Colin! Who wants to worke when there's DIVING to do!!

Oliver, hope you can join us. I promise not to scare you half to death by going to sleep again! :wink:
Most likely TRY for the beach dive Friday 8/20 or Sat night 8/21.

Are there any divers willing to tolerate an "air hog"?
(an hour at 30 feet)
Ideally if I'm not the only chick diver... awesome.
I don't like to hold anyone back from long dives.
Would I be able to coordinate a "last minute dive"
Would I do that by knowing where you are staying locally?
Or a cell phone?
Sorry about the "last minute dive" thingy... but I work mostly on weekends but erratic work schedule... and diving schedule depends on work schedule.

QUOTE: "... South Florida August 20th-23rd & we wanted to extend an invite to all of our friends to join in as well!
Here is the current agenda that we have set up. Come join us for ALL or PART- It’s going to be a BLAST!!!..."
Sounds great! Already on a boat for Sat AM and PM, but the Sun afternoon dive sounds great.

Will be interested in the Friday late afternoon dives and possibly Sunday beach dives.

I just heard yesterday that they (whoever "they" are, marine patrol perhaps?) are not letting divers near the pier, and telling them to go away. How true this is, I do not know.
Oh, well if your there till the 24th, I think I might have to definitely find a way over... after that big weekend of MOVE I'm going to schedule in a day off to spend time with family and take some down time... I think heading to the east coat to lax, see some new friends, dive, and maybe chase a bug or two may be just the ticket.

CBulla and BigSage, we hope that the both of you will find a way to make it that weekend. I am actually flying in along with another guy from New Mexico on the 19th and we are not leaving until the 24th. Looking to finally put some faces to the names of all of my new found friends.

I just heard yesterday that they (whoever "they" are, marine patrol perhaps?) are not letting divers near the pier, and telling them to go away. How true this is, I do not know.

I got fussed at by the WPB Sherrif's dept about diving under the fishing pier at Blue Heron bridge. The only reason he fussed at me was because my son had ear problems. Then the sherrif went over my 11 yr old daughter and my dive buddy (instructor) and revved his engine over their head.. yes.. they had a dive flag. The dive flag doesn't apply to the sherrif's dept...

The deputy said that diving under or near a fishing pier was illegal.


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