What kind of camera are they trying to line up? I'm envision a long skinny bendable neck tube with a small camera on the end, like they use for colonoscopies.
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What kind of camera are they trying to line up? I'm envision a long skinny bendable neck tube with a small camera on the end, like they use for colonoscopies.
Sam the dog went where it was previously thought that no man had gone before and lo and behold there was the body of Ben who blazed a trail of no return.
looks like he may have accomplished what he was in there for and that was to go farther than anyone. Too bad he didn't get out alive but no one would have believed he made it that far anyway....
Does anyone know if the statement made by PfcAJ is true regarding only one diver fatality among those diving in compliance with DIR (foregoing the discussion of the various flavors of DIR)? I find this statement to be almost unbelievable.
I suppose I'll start reading manuals each year and choose my favorite year...maybe I'll choose the year before the DPV rule for certain caves came about, since I break that one!
The front page of the NACD website for the past year has had a ppt file on it that states solo deaths are within +/- 1% of 50% of the total cave deaths. Way more than have died without 2 backup lights. Way more than have died (trained) breaking 1/3rds. Way more than have died using a DPV in Ginnie without a DPV card.
But financial reasons keep it off the rule book, because locals (instructors) choose to take that risk out of convenience. I'm OK with that, as long as we stop trying to lie and say it's juts as safe. I've done a visual jump (once) because I was lazy....why can't we juts be honest and say we take unneeded risk at times because it's easy? Reminds me of the same silliness with this "safe exit" crap that some agencies teach. It's retarded. I don't run a line at JB/Ginnie because I'm lazy and it's easy, not because it's safe. If it bites me in the rear one day I'd rather we call it foolishness on my part rather than "safe".
Just my $0.02.
How about a metal detector?
Does anyone familiar with the SAR effort know if some type of metal detector has been employed? Assuming a terrain change that is subtle and thus likely to cover up a body relatively close to searchers, would this not work well to aid in locating someone via their gear, covered in sand / sediment? Also, wouldn't a major collapse in the system be noted by those very familiar with it?
I'd take that one further and say that in some systems anything other than solo is insane. And there are *degrees* of solo - solo with support, for example, is the only sane way to push some systems.... Solo is sometimes safer than diving with a buddy...