Negatives for me:
-IME they cause jaw fatique if you wear a tight 7mm hood. I would have to open my jaw to inhale a breath to which my hood would try to push it close.... try this for a long dive and add a stressful situation... Ill pass.
The M-48 has a bite piece inside, from Dräger it's a factory option, for most other FFMs you can get them from the aftermarket like Divematics USA if you need to 'rest' your jaws. Or, as mentioned, on masks with a nasal/oral cavity breathe through your nose and mouth.
-upon surfacing you have to undo the face to be able to speak with anyone without shouting
As mentioned in my post above, the M-48 allows you to remove the pod with a simple quick release, the Dräger to open any of its three ports with a quick release. Hence not a problem with either one of these.
Try a rebreather, warm moist gas.
-once you put on the mask air consumption begins
Not on the M-48 and Dräger, same as surface comms. Not on the AGA with surface valve either.
-when exerting myself <SNIP> and I really needed air the reg would only provide so much
AGA and M-48 have excellent 2nd stages, when paired with a high performance first I can't imagine overbreathing either. Didn't happen when I dove them, and I'm a gas hog. Dräger is set up for the Apeks, also a pretty good 2nd stage. On Scubapro or Mantis you usually choose your own, choose well and it shouldn't be an issue.
-the pos. bouyancy is a bit annoying
Depends on the mask of course, some are quite low volume (M-48 and Mantis) while others (AGA) offer mask mounted weights.
-equalizing quickly takes practice (hated having to push the mask into my face). Also these mask have different methods for you to equalize: choose wisely my son.
M-48, Scubapro and Mantis work like normal half-masks in that respect. Others have to fit the face properly so that nose block (AGA) or levers (Dräger) fit correctly.
-you broke it?!?! more expensive
That's true, what what good performing, high quality kit isn't.
How about preventing lungs from filling with water when diver looses conciousnes. Warmer face when diving cold water. No fogging on some models. Hard to accidentaly loose or dislodge. Allows comms to be used with better results.
I have a feeling I would actaully enjoy the one Cousteau invented... always see the history channel guys using it. Every feature it has gets rid of everything i hate about the other FFM.
If you're referring to the Deep Sea Detectives, that's the Kirby-Morgan M-48 Supermask that's been mentioned all through this thread. It is or at least was marketed by Oceanic as the JMC (Jean Michel Cousteau) Supermask.
1) wouldnt donning before a cold water dive, add risk to a freeze up? after all, youre breathing it around before entering the water.
Not on the ones that allow breathing ambient air (see above).
2) Say the mask floods on an ice dive, what do you do? well, clear by purging, ok, now your chances are even higher for a freezeup! The cold water can be shocking when your in a warm toasty FFM and then you two have to part suddenly, right?
Most FFMs have two compartments, you clear whicever one floods. Some allow multiple 2nd stages to be attached, you can alternate. Blowing out any mask adds to the risk of freezing, more so if you need to so it repeatedly. One reason I said a FFM needs to have the right fit.
3)Your FFM freezes up and your at the rec limits ~130ft with say 1000psi and under the ice, hell your in Bonaire whats it matter now. When you push that purge in the mask it gets loud man! <--- in reference to a freeflow, when purged the mask makes loud bubbles. So, you stay cool, calm, and collective and decide to switch to alternate air: inhale (dangerous), take off mask (hows my bouyancy doing?), grab alternate (wheres my alternate?!?!), find my spare mask (wait was it the left pocket...?), OK clear mask (why is my computer beeping?), breathe...., oh #### i'm at 185ft!!!
Some training and skills are needed with FFMs, I never screwed up my bouyancy so bad I dropped 55 ft when replacing it. And again, on most masks you can change 2nd stages without removing the mask.
And youre a solo diver... no buddy sipping on a normal reg with an octo waiting to help
That's a solo diver problem, not a FFM problem. Carry redundant gas supplies and have the skill to use them if you dive solo. No matter what mask you dive.
FFM are not perfect, they don't work (best) for every diver or every dive. They require some different skills, they have pros and cons, just like most other piece of dive gear.