Agreed dive op should not have gone out in the first place. Yet they did and people went with them. I do not believe that anyone was however forced to go into the water at gunpoint. A divers ultimate safety rests with the diver. A whistle is cheap, so is a strobe, and a light. If this were purely an ow course I would be harder on the op. Regardless of their record in the past these were aow candidates. Cerftified divers responsible for their own safety. It was known that it was a night dive from the beginning. If each was not properly equipped from the start for a night boat dive they should not have gone. When the plan changed they should have said "up yours this is not what we were supposed to do". If one knows he's an air hog he should work on getting that under control before going for aow where deep dives are invloved. Is this a requirement for a class. If so and one is not ready, drop the class and get some experience. And thumbs up means "that's it I'm done, screw you guys I'm going home!" If you and your buddy agreed to a plan you stick to it and the others be dammed. That's why you carry surface signaling devices. If you don't want to or can't afford them maybe you need to try another activity. Regardless of whether or not anyone else had them is immaterial. If you've got 'em and you need to, use the things! Aow are certified divers and should not require babysitters to tell them when to signal for help. If you need help signal. If someone does not like it tough. What would have happened if the group really got seperated? Are you going to stay down and look for them? No when you want to go up, go up if your buddy and you agree. Signal the boat, get out, get dried off and have a cup of something hot while the other idiots are swimming like fools. And remember: Anyone may call a dive at any time, for any reason, and that reason need not be given. Ears, sinuses, anxiety, cold, or a fart in crossways, it does not matter. Nobody has you on a leash.