This thread is about SB and its Free speech and moderation. The mods and staff here, have been self congratulating themselves on how good they are at moderation and free speech, for several pages now. My own experience here at times, runs contrary to that.
I have been censored here. My free speech has been deleted and restricted, even when not in breach of the ToS, numerous times.
Some examples: At one time, I was giving a list of prohibited words I was not allowed to say or imply... only to watch others use them freely. I have been advised of extra rules and limits that apply directly to me only... I have been given temporary bans for reasons that don't add up, just to silence my point of view. Other times I have been responding to existing posts, both on and off topic, only to be falsely blamed for an off topic posting, and then temporary banned.
And all I every talk about is decompression theory, models and diving practices - math, physics, engineering and science - not people. I get blocked here, because some people can't handle / want to bury, a different point of view....
Sorry guys, but it does seem the back room chatter you engage in, clearly does steer the direction and outcome of thread conversations. From my perspective, you do not successfully act in an impartial manner all the time, and the fair decision process that is it place, seems to get overridden by the people doing the front end moderation.
Perhaps the most conflicting aspect, is when a mod gets to both participate in the thread and reads the back room chatter at the same time. When a mod is impassioned to force a point of view across to the exclusion of all else, the double access empowers the mod to push every button to the limit, until he finally succeeds in getting a one sided conversation through warnings and threats issued to non-agreeable participants.
Another fault in the mod participating in thread situation, is that they still have mod access to user post edits and deletes in the thread, giving them far too much insight as a participant.
The quote above says "we allow that (free speech)". Clearly that's not always the case.
The quote also talks of "... it was because they wanted to muzzle opinions that they didn't agree with..." which is what SB has done to me..... not the other way around.
Thanks for listening.