Free Dives w/ Cristal Clear Charters on Cinco de Mayo - Sinko? - umm May 5th!

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Well I am alive after yesterday, Went out with Crystal Clear. Capt Pete, and Matt (dm), All the students had a good time and the crew was very helpfull in the fact that our second dive site, had alittle more current than we wanted to have students in, so the capt decided to take us to another site just for the students and talk about a packed boat we brought down enough people to fill the boat, so in all we had 30 people on the boat and had room to move around. Everyone is in for a treat.

I know I had fun. I can't wait for this weekend.

P.S. I think we need to get shirts for the crew at Crystal Clear and we all sign one of them to put on the wall in the shop, I am going to get ahold of someone and see if we can get the SB shirts here and the cost of them and I am waiting on sizes and hpow many from Crystal Clear. Any thoughts????

Hmmm, how about everyone pitching in an extra dollar and have Jim/CoolTech make them the same shirts he has made for us? Didn't you know those are the only Cool shirts to wear this weekend :wink:

BTW, have you ordered your shirt?
GREAT idea, I'm very happy to chip in for shirts for the crew!

Hmmm, how about everyone pitching in an extra dollar and have Jim/CoolTech make them the same shirts he has made for us? Didn't you know those are the only Cool shirts to wear this weekend :wink:

BTW, have you ordered your shirt?

I would be chipping in, I didn't know if we wanted to get a few of the ones he was making for us or we have some of the original SB shirts, thats why I wanted ya'lls input before I did anything..... I think it would be a kewl idea....
I was told I need to bring a copy of the original post offering the free trip with me when I go
anybody have a link to it?
weather looks like it may get a little worse as the week goes by - hopefully will be ok again by the weekend.
thank you sir
is the water down there bathtub warm yet?

I was there sunday, and wore my shorty, I wasn't cold and spent plenty of time on the bottom. I think the temp was around 80 something.....:light:
I was there sunday, and wore my shorty, I wasn't cold and spent plenty of time on the bottom. I think the temp was around 80 something.....:light:
dove carysfort reef(deeper section of the reef) this past weekend and water temps were 75-77F @65-75ft(slightly warmer on the surface). we dove 100HP steels, nitrox, bottom times 60-65minutes, and i was getting chilled near the end of both dives wearing only a 3mm full suit. both of my dive buddies wore 5mm and were very comfortable. temps were 78-79F while snorkeling south carysfort(10-20ft).

key largo

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