Yesterday I gave these fins probably the hardest workout since we got them, I took them to Blue Springs in Orange City wearing a TLS350 drysuit, twin 108's and the associated gear that goes along with wearing doubles. These fins worked excellent in the propulsion, and manuverabilty aspects. I even walked up the stairs (closest to parking lot) and to the parking lot with them on without any snafus, nice walking with nothing in hands. Back at the van I offloaded the twins and then sat down in a comfortable fold out chair to remove the fins and answer a bunch of questions about the fins from the onlookers. The kids think your a real life transformer

with these things, of course I didnt tell them any different. Did I need to do this, no, I certainly have no flexibility issues or nagging ailments, but convienence it was and to be able to tell anyone inquiring about them an honest opinion on them from actually using them. When I first saw them I thought gimmicky, in fact I let my wife discuss the fin with the rep, I didnt want anything to do with it because from the appearence I had made my mind up. Diving them in many different environments over the last 2 weeks changed my mind on them. Is this fin for everyone, no, if you have trouble kicking a blade wait till the splits, otherwise they are worth a try, with an open mind you might be surprised.
As with anything good, theres just gotta be a downside, anytime I'd use the tips of the fins to push off, ie. lean forward to start forward the blade would snap up (by design to fold them up) and just require a good flutter/mod flutter to snap back in place. I've found that by pointing the blades outward they would stay in place, time to write a new specialty, "Amphibian Fin Diver"

This pair is now in our rental gear collection if anyone is in the Melbourne area wants to try them out. Yes I will use them in the future as well.