Interested to read about problems with dirty water there at the moment. I have been to PG every year for the last seven years. I have had a problem only once, namely a severe eye infection, that required a visit to the local GP, and essentially wiped out my planned diving for a week.
I think I was diving in February, and recall that the water in front of Sabang was unusually cold. Although it is often cooler at this time of year; it was 19-20C only. Around the point it was a more typical 24-25C, but despite the famed strong currents, the water was NOT mixing. The water in front of the town is clearly going to collect the run-off from the local 'sewerage system'.
Since I wear contact lenses, which I tend to overwear on holiday, I probably got a face full of sea water at some point, and left the soaked lenses in contact with my eyes for an extended period, increasing the possibility of infection.
I discussed this with the owner of a dive resort who remembered his lens-wearing GF having a similar problem in the past. As he advised, best to buy a pack of disposable lenses and change regularly, even after each dive if you think the water is not clean. This is a precautionary measure which I now follow on ALL dive trips.
I should emphasise that I have only had this problem ONCE in PG, but it was certainly a problem on that occasion; my prescription is -9 and I CANNOT dive without lenses (and don't have a prescription mask!).
I think I was diving in February, and recall that the water in front of Sabang was unusually cold. Although it is often cooler at this time of year; it was 19-20C only. Around the point it was a more typical 24-25C, but despite the famed strong currents, the water was NOT mixing. The water in front of the town is clearly going to collect the run-off from the local 'sewerage system'.
Since I wear contact lenses, which I tend to overwear on holiday, I probably got a face full of sea water at some point, and left the soaked lenses in contact with my eyes for an extended period, increasing the possibility of infection.
I discussed this with the owner of a dive resort who remembered his lens-wearing GF having a similar problem in the past. As he advised, best to buy a pack of disposable lenses and change regularly, even after each dive if you think the water is not clean. This is a precautionary measure which I now follow on ALL dive trips.
I should emphasise that I have only had this problem ONCE in PG, but it was certainly a problem on that occasion; my prescription is -9 and I CANNOT dive without lenses (and don't have a prescription mask!).