Well, if my supply lines ever dry up for my fairly large fleet of Scubapro regs then maybe a company like Deep 6, Hog, or better yet DGX with their Xtra balanced piston reg might be on the horizon. Maybe smaller is better, they can fly under the radar.
I love my Scubapro’s but their parts games are more than I can take and I don’t like being treated like an imbecile. My thing is I don’t trust anybody else to work on my regs, but I’m tired of always looking for some clandestine source for contraband parts kits.
It makes me feel like a sleaze ball underworld criminal. They’ve done a pretty good job of sealing up parts but not good enough. There’s always the back mafia meeting room at Gino’s Bar or the dark web?
I just want to be able to buy parts freely and ligitimately. So far with my MK5’s and 109’s/108’s I can sort of do that with after market kits from various other sources. But time doesn’t stop and eventually they will be too old and obsolete and I will have to find something else.
My friend,
You are taking this far too personally. Take a step back please.