Statistics are irrelevant because each dive is an independent trial, not a series of repetitive events.

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Statistics are irrelevant because each dive is an independent trial, not a series of repetitive events.
...Statistics are irrelevant because each dive is an independent trial, not a series of repetitive events.
I don't understand this.
You know not of which you speak.
About the only part of this post that is subject matter relevant. Unless you can highlight any other field where accident investigation requires statistical analysis to form a back bone of its cause? Have we forgotten the human in the system anyone? Plenty of accidents have occurred with perfectly functioning machines (cars, bikes aircraft etc) solely due to human error or malicious human interaction.Statistical analysis of something as broad and varied as diving would require a much more indepth multi-variate analysis to be meaningful. Combining factors like training level, dive difficulty, dive support, equipment use and maintenance, etc. just makes statistical analysis difficult if not meaningless.
The method of analysis we are using in these threads (case study) is more appropriate than a mathematical approach.
For any individual dive, the diver will either live or die.
They cannot be 1/200,000 % dead.
For any single dive the outcome is 0 or 1, live or die.
We can never repeat the exact dive over and over, which is necessary for statistical analysis.
This is a technical point about how to interpret and apply probabilities.
Each dive is more like a case study than one in a series of repeatable events.
Frank, Exactly but your take on how rebreathers should be designed is just using the training as duct tape to fix any underlying issues...You say ALARP, in 1981 when I first heard the term it was ALARA, As Low As Reasonably Achievable. Had Open Safety understood this, they would probably have not pissed off half the rebreather world (not the website, but them too) and understood that Reasonably means just that. It is not reasonable to "Diver proof" a rebreather. Diving cannot be made safe, but it can be done safely. Risks can be mitigated. Good training is a huge part of that. Experience is the rest. I believe that good training and experience is exactly what this thread is all about. Even if you try to make it about the rebreather, I will drag the conversation back to training and experience.
Others have found this to not be the case, inclusive on the developers of the Voyager, Nicola Donda and Marco Panico who were fined a total of 800k Euro and one year in prison, each, for their actions which were judged to be culpable manslaughter. The Voyagers were constructed by Rojano "Hbt", which Donda owned. See Examination found a hypercapnia situation as well as hypoxia. And lack of training and supervision by the attending instructors.Something I want to make perfectly clear. A rebreather never ever ever killed a diver. The Open Safety minions have expertly testified a number of times about the failure of the rebreather to keep the diver alive, and y'all have been stomped every time. Rebreathers don't kill divers. Divers lack of training and experience kill divers. Every time.
So I am flipping a coin and it lands on the table. It will come up heads or tails. There is no way I can repeat the exact same flip. Are you saying that I cannot conclude after 1000 flips that if I am seeing heads 80% of the time that I have a weighted coin?
Are you saying that it is equally valid to do a case study? I flip the coin once.
If I had to bet $1000 on H or T and could use either the statistical analysis or a case study to inform how I bet I know how I would decide