In over four decades of getting wet, I have yet to experience an SPG problem, that wasn't remedied by two minutes, minor swearing, and a fifty-cent spool from my dive kit; that it happened to you with rental gear on a boat, comes as little surprise, since that gear is generally Tall-Toad, bargain basement crap and poorly if ever maintained.
Many divers -- nearly two-thirds of them, on my last boat dive, alone -- now utilize short transmitter hoses, to prevent them from being sheared off by clumsy deckhands, which I have seen happen on more than a few occasions; so that popular notion of some "less linkage between an AI transmitter and a tank" has mostly becomes moot.
I have, though, seen myriad failures with transmitters over the years, especially when I worked boats, years ago -- from straight-up interference between them and intermittent losses of signal; incidences of overpressure from which there was no return; and outright flooding -- and always carried an analogue backup, should I be using one.
Buy a decent SPG as a backup and don't look back . . .