Even the strongest can falter ...

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Hang in there Kimber.

Most of us run into hard spots in life - its tough to live 50 or 60 years or more without hitting the wall at one point or another.

There is no one way to make it...you do what you need to do.

Your family and friends love you unconditionally, and life will be waiting when you're ready for it.

You can still be a tough chick and be gentle with yourself. :wink:

Happy Thanksgiving - we all have much to be thankful for.

Kimber... Everyone, at some point in life will need a helping hand... even the toughest, the strongest...most of us don't get it jammed in our face the way you have....

All my best... miss your emails.... but you are still in my thoughts.
Just some more "good thoughts" for you.

Be good to yourself, rest, and take the time to realize how far you have come.

Be well,

I have felt like such a burdon to my kids - family and few friends who have stuck by me through this and stilll help me out.

I'm in pain all the time. The Botox injections I got in my right hand and left lower leg/ankle/foot didn't work.

I have difficulty walking very far and balance is still an issue - just this morning at 4am I was sitting on the toilet adjusting to get a more comfortable position and I fell off and hit my head against the bathtub! Even worse than that the bathroom is such a small area I couldn't get up by myself - so I had to call the nurses for help. How humiliating I that - sitting on the bathroom floor at what was then 5:30am calling for help?

I tried going to school and started to fail miserably.

in western civ I couldn't write a 5 paragraph essay on virtually any of the topics he chose for the exams.

Psychology I was having a hard time taking the definitions and twisting them around into real-life situations.

getting around in that mobility cart posed its own challenges. getting stuck in doorways - crashing into desks etc ...

I have never failed at anything I have ever really tried at until this time - and this time sucked!

in high school I received about a 4.0 grade point average - taking honors classes - now having to admit I was stupid was too hard to bare.

these are the reasons I didn't want to wake up in the morning and why I was planning on doing it.

I just happened to email a good friend who convinced me to go see my psychiatrist. my kids are thankful I reached out and the person responded in kind.


Kimber .. your pain, your trials ... and your successes, are not small ones, and while much progress has not been made in these last months, you are not done progressing.

The Baclifen trials showed showed that it's reasonable to expect improvement after they install the pump
When you woke up from your accident, you could not walk, your brain had to learn new pathways to do something that you found easy to do before the accident .... in much the same way for the schoolwork, your brain has to learn to do things that were once easy for you .. like your physical therapy, it's very hard for you to do, but that difficulty has nothing to with being smart, any more than your difficulty in walking does

We are our own harshest critics, focusing our attention on some things to the exclusion of all others.

Please take heart in the support offered here, by family, and friends
Kimber, you are such an amazing person . You have persevered against great adversity in your life. No one could ever doubt the strength of your inner spirit. There are many people how care deeply about you. Take care of yourself, sweetie.
Kimber, know that in your darkest moments you still have the power to touch a life for good.

And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness." Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. 2 Corinthians 12:9
As divers, we rely on the buddy system. There is no shame in asking to share air. So, there should be no shame in asking dive buddies for other assistance. I hope you will consider all of us on SB to be your dive buddies and that you'll ask when you need it.

Please never forget what an inspiration you have been, are, and will continue to be, to all of us.
........fail miserably..........
oh sweetie :hugs: PLEASE dont be so hard on yourself!!!!

failed miserably you say - you got your *** out of bed and TRIED is what i say

your guts and willpower is what got you out of that bed in the first place, got you taking that 1st step and got you out of that hospital!!!

i cant even begin to imagine how hard it must be every single day to deal with what you are going thru but plesae be proud of yourself!!

im so sorry you are feeling so down right now - im so sorry you seem to be surrounded by black clouds and pain..... i can only hope that right now you can take a step back and get some extra help and hopefully get some much needed rest & pain relief.

.......I reached out and the person responded in kind........

i am so glad that you have people like this nearby to help you....... please lean on them when you need to... they wouldnt be there for you if they didnt want to catch you when you feel its all too much

i wish i could help but from over here i am sending you postive thoughts of healing & strength


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