During your first couple of years of diving what were your biggest challenges?

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But I persevered because I believed it could only get better. I bought a BC that fit me. Funny thing about that - the LDS owner had no idea how to fit women in women's BC's. He kept tugging it down (over my wide hips) and I kept moving it up. Finally had to tell him it's cut for a woman, not a man. I've only had 3 dives in it so far but what a huge difference with my buoyancy. I think that was the biggest part of my problems but as a new diver, and yes as a woman, I really didn't know if it was the gear or if I just sucked. I guess I expected to suck and thus was fulfilling my own wish.

It's kind of funny that you mention this. I can't believe the number of men who try to fit women in BC's and don't understand how they are supposed to fit. My LDS included.... We have the mantra drummed into our heads that fit is everything then some well meaning but clueless guy tries to make it fit their definition of fit. Yeah, that's gonna work. :wink:
Hi Ladies,

When I first started diving these were some of my concerns.
1. Long Hair - Answer: Cut it short and I love it.
2. Hubby is a tad more mechanical minded and caught on faster - Answer: Started taking more classes i.e. S & R, deep diver, Nixtrox (only woman in my class), Divecon (SSI). Now we are equals in the water (he shoots stills and I do the video).
3. Lugging of equipment - Answer: I have had two back surgeries so I cannot do much about that except stay as strong as possible, know my limitations and accept the lifting help I need.

Happy Earth Day.
Just had OW 1&2 today, and I must say BUOYANCY CONTROL!!! I got almost to the bottom (40ft) and was sinking fast to the point that I thought I was going to hit reef, so I inflated my BC... too much. I started with the 2 quick bursts, but didn't wait to see if that would work, so there goes 2 more and so on. Then the BC starts to do it's work and I'm headed to the surface, instructor caught my foot and got me back down.

Some time passes, I start to go up, but want to go down, and still not familiar with my gear, I press and HOLD the INFLATE button instead of the DUMP valve, I then shot up like a rocket and hit the surface. I was more embarrassed than anything (I was ok somehow even after no deco stop), since I went into this whole thing thinking "I love the water, this is going to be easy!!!"

Lesson learned, let's see how 3&4 go tomorrow...
Congratulations, crab lover!

Buoyancy control takes time to master. I'm over 300 dives now, and still working on it :)
Thanks TSandM!!! You actually helped me last night without knowing it! I read your dive log with all the problems you had at first and thought "I'm not the only one!!!". Thank you so much for having your dive log available for those of us who floundered our way through, so that we can see that there is light at the end of the tunnel!
During your first couple of years of diving what were the biggest hurdles or challenges that you had to over come? And how did you deal with those things and over come them as they came up?

Honestly? Dive buddies and ScubaBoard. :)
crablover, you're very welcome. About once a month or so I get a note from a new diver who's read that log and gotten some moral support from it, which is why I've left the link in my sig line.
My biggest issue was knowing when not to listen to men, especially on navigation.

Often, just like in automobiles, they will insist on finning some great distances before admitting they are lost.
My biggest issue was knowing when not to listen to men, especially on navigation.

Hey...swimming into a giant pinnacle isn't that bad, although I had bruised face but it wasn't that bad...uh oh, I'm in the woman's forum, gotta cover my eyes, I'm outta here. :D

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