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Reaction score
Virginia Beach, VA
# of dives
500 - 999
I would like comments from users of DUI TLSSE and CNSE. Planning to use in CA and I want something rugged but streamlined in the water and not too restrictive. The only downside I have heard on these two suits is that someone else needs to zip you up.

If money is not the issue, would the 50/50 be better?

PS: Diving backplate and wing currently with 10 to 12 lbs on the belt.

I would like comments from users of DUI TLSSE and CNSE. Planning to use in CA and I want something rugged but streamlined in the water and not too restrictive. The only downside I have heard on these two suits is that someone else needs to zip you up.

If money is not the issue, would the 50/50 be better?

PS: Diving backplate and wing currently with 10 to 12 lbs on the belt.


No suspenders, shoulder entry. Two strikes. Especially in SoCal, where the water is cold, and the air is hot. You need to open your DS up between dives to hang on the deck or shore.

Good luck without suspenders. It'll be in the floor after two steps.

The material isn't the issue. They both feature fine materials (as is the 50/50 - what I currently dive.) Its the design of these suits that's weak.

Mo2vation, can't you add suspenders to the TLSSE or is it best to just move up to the TLS350?

Also, doesn't the front entry on the TLS350 still actually require help to get zipped? I thought I read here or on TDS that was the case...
is it best to just move up to the TLS350?

Also, doesn't the front entry on the TLS350 still actually require help to get zipped? I thought I read here or on TDS that was the case...

Save some extra bucks and get a front entry TLS. You can absolutely zip it by yourself, I do it all the time and so does everyone else I know that dives one. It may take a bit (a very little bit) of practice but honestly it's no big deal.
Mo2vation, can't you add suspenders to the TLSSE or is it best to just move up to the TLS350?

Also, doesn't the front entry on the TLS350 still actually require help to get zipped? I thought I read here or on TDS that was the case...

But then you stillhave the shoulder entry. Maybe its just me, but I don't get the attraction of shoulder entry. OK - its cheaper, because its a shorter zipper and likely an easier install than a diaginal (sp?) zip - but still.

I'm sure its also just me, but I'm a big fan of dressing and gearing up myself. This includes sealing the drysuit, for sure. With both the old and new style DUI front zippers, you can zip them yourself. All of the SE models require buddy assist - no biggie, really. I guess. I don't get the whole BP and Tank thing sitting ON my shoulder entry zipper - people say its not a huge issue, but it has to be harder on the thing.

If you got to add features (Pvalve, pockets, moving the dump valve, etc.) I can see those are reasons to send your suit in. But adding braces? I mean, how much are you really saving on an SE? Is it worth it?

I'd get a 350. Go to eBay - if you can fit OTR there are always suits there. If its not a cash thing, then get it local, so you get the class.

You need to open your DS up between dives to hang on the deck or shore.
Dive buddy can solve that problem.

Good luck without suspenders. It'll be in the floor after two steps.
Not so.
I'm speaking from experience. On a side note, suspenders can be added for cheap.

I mean, how much are you really saving on an SE? Is it worth it?
Half the price of a 350 for me so I say it was definitely worth it.

Jason B:
(context: Suit doesn't fall down after a few steps..._)
Not so.
I'm speaking from experience. On a side note, suspenders can be added for cheap.


I have never met someone who bought a DUI SE suit, the shoulder entry bag suit with no suspenders, and I believe (although I may be wrong) no waist cord, and not wished they had suspenders and a better fitting suit. Maybe on the SoCal dive boats, we're not as refined or coordinated as the rest of the country, but I have seen person after person lamenting and grumbling at their SE econobag suit. This goes for the bogus Bare entry level model as well.

To each his/her own.

You're going to have this thing for years. You need to be more than simply satisfied with your exposure suit. You need to be head-over-heels bonkers woo-hoo pleased with it. It needs to be one of the last things on your mind when you're at XXXfsw, and when you're on a hot, over-crowded, pitching boat. My advice: eBay your play station and step up a model.

Ken, It does have have an elastic draw waist cord.
I have never met someone who bought a DUI SE suit, the shoulder entry bag suit with no suspenders,
Kind of a condascending comment....
All of us are not doctors and lawyers, some of us are school teachers. We can't all afford the top of the line model. My suit keeps me dry, keeps me warm, and keeps me diving, and allowed me to keep food on my table and a roof over my head while still going diving. No regrets here!

On a side note, everyone around these parts takes off their drysuit in between dives.

Jason B:
Ken, It does have have an elastic draw waist cord.
Kind of a condascending comment....
All of us are not doctors and lawyers, some of us are school teachers. We can't all afford the top of the line model. My suit keeps me dry, keeps me warm, and keeps me diving, and allowed me to keep food on my table and a roof over my head while still going diving. No regrets here!

On a side note, everyone around these parts takes off their drysuit in between dives.


Jason - don't worry, one day you too may see the light.

I've been there dude. I owned a DUI CNSe. It was a fine suit. Nothing inherently 'wrong' with it. I defended it like it was my first born. I put gussets in it. I added suspenders to it after I realized that yeah, suspenders are a good thing. I added all the extras to the thing that I realized, over time, I wanted.

In the end I spent more than if I had just got a better suit. I got a Z-Tech from Diving Concepts. Front Entry, better material, pockets, suspenders, better boots... and in a truly ironic move, cheaper than my DUI.

I sold my CNSe, and someone is diving a really sweet 'frankensuit' right now. But if I had to do it all over again, I absolutely wouldn't recommend either a TLSe or CNSe as a new drysuit purchase.

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