It helps to keep the volume of air down in the suit. This could be a critical issue if the diver gets inverted or the suit dump has a problem. Certain types of undergarments have been known to get sucked into the valve and cause it to not work as well or at all.
Or if the diver is using doubles or diving sidemount with steels, it makes managing the bubble harder because it's larger. I've personally seen divers add too much air to the suit and not be able to dump it quick enough and, as a result, pop up to the surface, get inverted and end up on the surface hanging upside down, have gas escape out of the neck seal allowing 40 degree water in, and struggle with trim because the suit doesn't fit like it should in some areas and the gas gets into those.
You already manage two areas with a wet suit. BC and lungs. Adding a drysuit, with proper training, is not a big deal. Managing two spaces is often easier than managing one big one.
I am properly weighted and diving a single HP80, so I'm not putting a lot of air into the suit at all.