Dry Tortugas Live Aboard Thanksgiving Day Trip

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I have been on 4 live aboards and each one was a little different

A few questions, :

Being this is my first live-aboard, how does the buddy system work, does everyone have a buddy, or is it find who wants to dive, and dive with them, etc.

In every instance, in my experience, everyone went in with a buddy at the same time. The Aggressor for example had a DM you could follow if you wished or you and your buddy could go off on your own.

The Nekton it was just buddy Diving as was the Sea Searcher, and Mike Ball

Also are we doing any night dives, so I should bring my canister light ?

I believe that is the plan

Anyone here taking UW photo's ? I just upgraded my whole UW camera set-up to a Oly C-8080 8mp camera, with wide angle lens, and Ikelite Ds-125 strobe , so this will
be my first time shooting with it, I plan on taking a lot of photo's.

Yes I will be taking photos as are a few others I believe.

Also, do people bring their laptops, to download any movies and photo's onto, so i can edit them at night and see whats ettings I should be shooting with?

Some do, some don't, check with the boat regarding their photo setup space.

Speaking of laptops, is there room for your own private gear, i know there are bunks, thats why I'm asking.

I do have never been on this boat so I don't know, perhaps someone else does. However I believe personal storage space is minimal, but someone who has been on he boat could give you a firm answer.

Also, does anyone know what we plan on diving ? Is there a plan?

There is a sample itinerary on the site but locals change based on conditions, at least that is my understanding. Again someone who has been on this trip before could respond better.
I took my laptop with me when I went on this boat a few years ago. I kept it in my bunk when I wasn't downloading pictures to it. There are a few outlets here and there for plugging it in, but they are located in the common area.
Don't really know where to begin. I spoke to Sherry yesterday & verified that the trip is full again- 20 lucky divers! :fruit: Still don't know who everyone is in terms of their board names < shrug > Guess I never will at this point. A mystery wrapped in an enigma, so to speak. :wink:

BTW, payment for the trip can take one of FOUR forms only:

Money order

No checks, no American Express accepted.

Now for the news that is both good & bad- depending on your POV. There have been a few folks who have asked if there are any spots left &, as you can see, as of yesterday, I would have said no. Well, as of today, I have to say yes. Mine. :(

Yesterday evening a coworker was attempting to be gentlemanly & open a door that I was about to go through. He was sitting right next to it & sort of grabbed it & flung it open for me...right as I reached it. The door swung right over my open-toed shoe & ripped a huge chunk of skin off the top of one toe. No big deal, right? That's what I thought because that's the one I noticed first since all the blood was pouring out of it. The OTHER toe, however, was worse! The entire toenail got ripped off for starters (so much for my planned pre-trip pedicure) & it turns out that the toe is broken. Per the doctor, there's no way that I am going to be able to wear a bootie & fin on that foot by next week. Soooooo.... who wants my spot? First one to get to Sherry gets it. I've not yet called her- I'll do that tomorrow- just wanted to let y'all know first.
ouch ! that sucks...hope it gets better soon.. We will misss you.

.......of course this means we will have to do the same thing next year so you can join in the fun !
Don't really know where to begin. I spoke to Sherry yesterday & verified that the trip is full again- 20 lucky divers! :fruit: Still don't know who everyone is in terms of their board names < shrug > Guess I never will at this point. A mystery wrapped in an enigma, so to speak. :wink:

BTW, payment for the trip can take one of FOUR forms only:

Money order

No checks, no American Express accepted.

Now for the news that is both good & bad- depending on your POV. There have been a few folks who have asked if there are any spots left &, as you can see, as of yesterday, I would have said no. Well, as of today, I have to say yes. Mine. :(

Yesterday evening a coworker was attempting to be gentlemanly & open a door that I was about to go through. He was sitting right next to it & sort of grabbed it & flung it open for me...right as I reached it. The door swung right over my open-toed shoe & ripped a huge chunk of skin off the top of one toe. No big deal, right? That's what I thought because that's the one I noticed first since all the blood was pouring out of it. The OTHER toe, however, was worse! The entire toenail got ripped off for starters (so much for my planned pre-trip pedicure) & it turns out that the toe is broken. Per the doctor, there's no way that I am going to be able to wear a bootie & fin on that foot by next week. Soooooo.... who wants my spot? First one to get to Sherry gets it. I've not yet called her- I'll do that tomorrow- just wanted to let y'all know first.

Marvel, that really sucks, I hope you feel better!!!

I also have to call her tomorrow, as I'm not sure with myself.

I went to the doctor today, and I have been very congested, and running a small temp, 100.4 . They said I have bronciatis, and possibley ammunioa , they took chest X-rays, and will let me know, I went today finalley to see them, as I been feeling like crap.

The doc said 50% chance of feeling better by next week, but wouldn't advise diving, even if it was just bronciatis.

I'm not sure what to do. I really want to go, I spent almost $3000.00 on a UW camera set-up, just for this trip. I rushed parts and pais to have them over night, just so I had peace of mind I would have them for the trip.

If I let somone know now, I know there are people waiting to get on. I'm afraid If I can't make it next week, there will be a spot somone else could have dove.

So I'm going to say, give up my spot as well, I'll call them tomorrow, and if they need the doctors note , i can fax it to them that I got today
I hit enter by mistake!!

So If somone wants my spot as well, PM me, and i'll give you my full name, and I'll call the boat for you, and tell them to switch it to your name ;(

Sorry, maybe next time
jeez, this trip must be cursed!!...although I haven't officially called Sherry to cancel my spot, it will probably happen tomorrow or Friday...too many unforeseen financial obstacles here in the last couple of months...I'm still trying to find a way to creatively finance this deal, but it ain't looking good
jeez, this trip must be cursed!!...although I haven't officially called Sherry to cancel my spot, it will probably happen tomorrow or Friday...too many unforeseen financial obstacles here in the last couple of months...I'm still trying to find a way to creatively finance this deal, but it ain't looking good

I did email them today, and cancelled my spot.

I'm going to kick myself if I'm feeling better by next week, I know it's a week away, but I'd hate to not be able to go and cancelle last minute.

I think 4 days of diving the way I'm feeling would put me in the hospital.

My back plan was to goto Big Pine Key, for a few days If I'm feeling better with my trailer, relaxe, and maybe get 1 or two dives in through-out the 5 days I'm off.

In a week from now I may be feeling great, or I may be worse. Only time will tell ;(
Rick called today to offer us the two spots!
Unfortunately with other plans now and airfare pricing between Holiday and Funeral Special levels, we can't!

Marvel, sorry to hear about your toe. I ripped my big toenail off shoveling snow 2 years ago. It took almost a year to come completely back, but was OK.
Bummer that you guys had to cancel. I was really looking forward to meeting you all and diving with you. Another time. We'll post a trip report when we get back.

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