Dive concepts, Virgo, ellipse others that I can’t remember the names of. The Antaries are easy once you really look at how they work, once in alignment I index them with a circle and groove so when I put them on I align them and have not had a single issue yet, since last summer at least. I do not like the bulk of other systems but if that weren’t an issue I would have stuck with the Virgo. I don’t want to have to dig up a tool to put the system on or take it off, Antaries easily snap on and twist off.Compared to what? I mean, your experience with what other system?
I do use the orange inserts to keep things out of the way of the locking tabs, that’s pretty important but you put them in and forget them.
The hardest thing to do with any oval system is get the gloves aligned with the oval but it’s still many times easier than getting one glove on most of the other systems.
As far as delicate tabs are concerned, while they do stick out and look easy to damage I have yet to damage one, I’m betting the same force required to break one would render an aluminum set permanently out of service. I just carry a spare set of mounted gloves with my undergarments.
The O-rings are small but easily replaced, lube them, keep the grit off of them and they work perfectly.