Suggestion Don't like this....

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Huntsville, AL
I'll be the first to say it, I don't like this new and "improved" SCUBABoard. The location of posts doesn't make sense, if anything, the layout is worse than it was, and even more difficult now to figure out where to post topics. I personally would love to meet some of the folks that complained about not being able to find anything under the old board.

It doesn't make much sense to have these topics combined, other members agree also.

Wreck divers and treasure hunters have little to nothing in common with spearos and ab divers. These don't seem like a good combination to combine together. How bout replace this combination with a combination of Hogathian and DIR, those have much more in common with each other than a spearo and a guy diving WWII ships.
I have moved your suggestion to this forum where it belongs. Thank you for your input.
I told most of my friends about scubaboard. They tried to use it but they got lost. they didn't know how to use it. Also they found a terible time searching for a certain topic
I do think combining some forums made sense. I dont think the "Regions" to post trip reports and the "Clubs" forums together is the way to go. To many forums to navigate even after you find what your looking for. I also feel new members will NOT find the "Clubs" forums at all. Just one diver opinon, I voted NO. I been a member for about a year and a active member in the Florida Conch club but it took me about 15 mins to find our forum. I feel Newbies will Not find and join the Clubs formus which IMO is one of the best features of this board.
Need an option for can't tell/don't care. I usually only look at new posts, and new subscribed threads, so I don't notice a thing.
Implementing change in any organization, is a challenge. Challenge must be taken here to be an understatement. It’s an undertaking that fails more than it succeeds. The difficulty comes from two areas. The attempt to design a process that is better than the existing process, and the attempt to get people to accept and embrace the new process. Anybody who has attempted to implement significant change will tell you the latter, getting people to change, is the more difficult of the two.

Conventional wisdom says people fear change. That is not true. Most people like variety in their lives. They wear different clothes every day. They buy new clothes even though the old ones still fit. Lots of folks rearrange their furniture just to introduce a little variety in their lives. Many people like to go to new places on vacation. One time it’s north to colder climates, next it’s south to some place warm. We like to go places that are different from where we live everyday. If we live in the city, we may be likely to vacation in the country. If we live in the country, we want to see the big city. Change in everyday life is considered good. Why, then, do we believe that change on our board is bad?

It’s because many of us fear the unknown. We are afraid that the proposed change may involve loss. We may lose power, prestige, or position. We may fear loss of our ability to perform our tasks. We may fear losing our place in our group, as an accepted member of the community. When we perceive this potential loss, maybe even loss of our spot itself, we feel threatened. It is this threatening change that we fear.

All those years in college finally paid off. :D
Tech Admin:
I know traditional wisdom says Mexico and the Caribbean is a part of North America being as that it is above the equator but we expanded the South America region to include more land upto Mexico. However, this may not make sense... if you had your way how would you structure Mexico, The Caribbean, North America & South America (I'm asking so I know what to change it to so I don't mess up again -- yes, I am geographically challenged at times).

Thanks :)

Mexico and Central America are part of North America. The Caribbean is part of neither, but borders both, it could logically be combined with either. Putting Central America with South America is not logical.

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