doing a paper on women in diving

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There are some historical and current women's dive magazines and women's origanizations that possibly should be investigated and maybe used in your research. they are:
1) Cordea 2000--This magazine was a great one but I understand it is no longer being published--The great woman tec/cave diver, Jill Henerith (S) was the driving force behind the publication--she is Canadian but owns a dive operation in Florida.

2) Women Underwater - I am under the impression this magazine is no longer published.

3) Dive Girl - published in the UK slick with some "interesting" articles.

4) F - Published in 1961-2 BY Allan Hubbard, Wheeler North, (LA county UW instructor) was the editor, Zale Parry Bivens (LA County UW instructor) was the associate editor.

5) Skin Diver Magazine--
Connie Johnson was the Managing Editor for 35 years, is now retired in XXXXXX, XXX rasing horses.
Bonnie Cardone--Editor of SDM- now retired --see previous posts.

Jennifer King, LA County UW instructor and former UIA President, established two momumental origanizations for women in diving. They are;

1) Women's Diving Association, AKA "WDA"
WDA was for a number of years was very active in the diving world. It united the women divers and created a platform for the then active female divers to express their needs and wants to the leaders of the industry. Jennifer and this origanization reveolutionized the thinking of the manufactires and created a number of changes in equipment design especially to accomidate the female form.

sam miller:
[Dive-aholic]I realize there are people like Dottie in our history. ...

BTW, I don't consider Dottie Frazier a recreational diver. ... ]


Thank you for your for your comments.

I will relay your quote "I don't consider Dottie Frazier a recreational diver" to Dottie who is currently spearfishing in Mexico...

Poor Dottie! I'll bet she didn't relize that she was NOT a recreational diver
I seriouly doubt if she will be broken-hearted since it was posted by a dive -aholic with a wopping big five years of diving experience.

Heck with her 75 + years of pioneering dive experience she has spit more liquid in her mask than you will ever dive in...


Again, you misread what I'm stating. I'm sure she does recreational diving, but with her list of accomplishments, she's much more than that. :shakehead

You know, I think I'm done with this conversation. You're obviously way too good for some of us here. You can go hobnob with your cronies and talk about how you're better than everyone else (something I don't think Dottie would appreciate, but I don't know for sure, since I've never met her). This conversation is over.
Thank you for your comments and suggestions..

Also --Thank you for your momentous decision to no longer respond to this thread("done with this conversation"): This should allow you more time to make post of even greater insignificance to expond on your five years vast diving experience and knowledge gained from 200 dives.

Thank you again it has been fun!

Jennifer King ( continued)

Sorry-- had a power outage but managed to make a rapid post.

Now for Jennifer King...

Womans Equipment Test Team--AKA: "WETT"
Jennifer developed this team of active women divers to test dive, evaluate and and report on varrious items of diving equipment in production or scheduled for production as to the comfort and needs of female divers. This organization was soley responsible for women's sizes and configuations being adapted by the dive industry. To day and for the past ten or so years womens sizes, configurations and even female colors are being offered by all manufacturers--Certainly a tribute to a Great Lady who took on an entire male dominated industry and effected major changes.

Womens Hall of Fame

Jennifer was also involved and responsible for its establishment and sucess.
Of course she was one of the first to be listed.==And rightfully so..


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