Do you dive with or without your snorkel attached and why?

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pilot fish:
I'm really torn between wearing it and not wearing it. It seems the pocket snorkel is the answer, if they are any good.
I hate wearing a snorkel while I'm diving, it's always getting in the way.
I use the Aqua Lung rubber roll up snorkel and keep in my BC pocket in case I ever need it, Works OK as a snorkel and is compact..
ok... i guess i'm asking you what the difference is

what difference do you see between Northern and Southern divers?

and since you said "wonder why" i thought maybe you had an opinion
as to why that was

I know, I know, I know!!!!!!!!!

Northern divers are Dry Cold Toughies.....and Southern divers are Wet Warm Weenies! :D

(neither of which has much to do with snorkels though......)
Vampires don't exist.

You know that, right?


(Seatbelts... are... worn... (required)... because... it... has... been... proven... that... lives... in... case... of... a... bad...wreck.)

Bull$H!&.....While I advocate the use of seatbelts, they are required only because of the insurance lobby. This has nothing to do with snorkels, which are only required for classes and a few other lame outfits. And BTW, I'm one of the Southern divers....
OK, here's my point. I'll try to make it as simply as possible without adding in all the what if's, gear issues, etc:

Two people are floating in the sea, one has a mask and snorkel the other has a mask and no snorkel. Which one do you want to be?

The guy without the snorkel. I'll just use my drysuit and/or BC and if im a bit negative float on my back. A snorkel isnt a buoyancy aid anyway - it has no effect at all on staying above the water or not.
Car seatbelts are a piece of safety equipment with a proven record.

Anyone calling a snorkel a piece of safety equipment is either brainwashed, misinformed or a liar. There isnt one conceivable situation where a snorkel becomes a piece of safety equipment. If there are boats demanding them (ive never come across it), you can only assume the operators know little about actual diving and just choose to implemented the propaganda the agency tells them. Id certainly not want to dive on a boat that forced an un-needed and utterly useless piece of equipment on me for a dive.
Anybody who eats meat on Fridays, doesn't believe in vampires, believes seat belts save lives, that elephants use snorkels, that there are differences in opinions, is really really, as Dr. Bill said to me, "logic challenged". This thread is showing how thick headed you all are. Use a snorkel when diving, don't use a snorkel when diving. who gives a flying tiger (pc). We'll have to add "snorkel use" to the don'ts along with religion and politics.
Bull$H!&.....While I advocate the use of seatbelts, they are required only because of the insurance lobby. This has nothing to do with snorkels, which are only required for classes and a few other lame outfits. And BTW, I'm one of the Southern divers....

Hey, a fellow Texan! How's it goin' over there in the boonies? Do y'all really eat possum?

Anyhoo', Ah, agree. Swamming 'tween aleegaters in the swamp is tuff! Any ol'e snorkal 'taint no-gud for swipin' at 'em. Jes' make 'em madder than spit! Now, whun' uh dose 44 magnums, now dar's a safety deevice. Hum-daddy! Where' dat Halklingon cateelog...?
i dive in california and do some long swim shore dives and am not good enough at navigating to always come up withing spitting distance of the boat(need to work on this i know) and i hate the stupid snorkel though
so how much are the folding snorkels any way and where can i get one?
Hey, a fellow Texan! How's it goin' over there in the boonies? Do y'all really eat possum?

Anyhoo', Ah, agree. Swamming 'tween aleegaters in the swamp is tuff! Any ol'e snorkal 'taint no-gud for swipin' at 'em. Jes' make 'em madder than spit! Now, whun' uh dose 44 magnums, now dar's a safety deevice. Hum-daddy! Where' dat Halklingon cateelog...?

Dahgum BBDAn weard yual lern tu tauk dat way letealoan spels it? :wink:
Dahgum BBDAn weard yual lern tu tauk dat way letealoan spels it? :wink:

i letealoan deefult unce, now thems bankers got my Chevy
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