I realise that people's tolerance of cold varies wildly from person to person so the following question will be difficult to answer succinctly but I'd like to ask it anyway if only to get a general idea.
What temperature ranges do you dive your WHites Mk 2 undergarments, assuming that you own, wear and dive with them, to? I'm going to be buying a Fusion in the near future and am looking at the undergarments that I will need. If you dive the Mk 2 do you use a base layer under them? If so, how much of a difference to your warmth does the base layer make?
The local waters I dive in vary from about 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit) to 16 degree Celsius (60 degrees Fahrenheit).
Many thanks for any answers you can provide.
What temperature ranges do you dive your WHites Mk 2 undergarments, assuming that you own, wear and dive with them, to? I'm going to be buying a Fusion in the near future and am looking at the undergarments that I will need. If you dive the Mk 2 do you use a base layer under them? If so, how much of a difference to your warmth does the base layer make?
The local waters I dive in vary from about 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit) to 16 degree Celsius (60 degrees Fahrenheit).
Many thanks for any answers you can provide.