I certainly respect your opinions, thank you...
The dig on me personally was not necessary, but no biggie
Don- You and I have communicated on many levels and occasions before, and others don't know that.
My opinions? Are they really opinions? Or are they, as I call them, just
undeniable truths of life in the real world?
There is simply no profit in our stamping our feet and holding our breaths until our faces turn blue... aint gonna do no good here.
We are dealing with lawyers, insurance companies and certifying agencies. These are immovable forces. When the report comes, it will come. Until then, I ask you, what is the use?
If some want to hold CCV's feet to the fire for quoting that "they will release more information as it becomes available", you're going to have to write that off to naivete and innocence... before the invisible industrial megalith (that is the force behind recreational diving, itself)
sat on them- and all other witnesses.
If one is going to rail against the professionals with on-site involvement here, take some note that the dive companions and associates of those lost have chosen not confuse the issue by releasing "their version" of this incident- here or anywhere. Aint nobody talking, and that is the norm. Look at the Wave Dancer thread and incident here on this board, same deal.
Speculation is in the same boat as "demanding"... it is fruitless.
Reread the posts here. All sorts of speculation reported as fact. Innocent statements grow legs and become perceived fact.
It will, as I have said, undoubtedly be well reviewed in print by DAN in their magazine. Count on it.
Until then, take a deep breath and remember to always exhale!