Interesting question. A fundamental weakness of relying on any forum such as this is to find the truth is . . .
Oh wait, this thread is a just a flame against Coco View?
Never mind then.
As one of the staunchest "describers of CoCoView", I would see this thread as nothing more than a thirst for the real story or what happened.
That said, everyone has a different motive for their need to know the facts.
1) Some search in an
altruistic pursuit of knowledge for all to learn from.
2) Some want to
gawk (as in: I'm sure glad that wasn't me...)
3) Some want to show you how damned
smart they are in guessing, hypothesising and posturing.
4) Some want to
flame the resort. (See #3 above)
Any way you come to the party, we're all still going to have to wait until after the dust settles legally. For the 99.99% of the readers here who have never been in such a disagreeable situation... know this: If you find yourself in the midst (or the sides) of any such incident, your life is now owned by lawyers and insurance companies. They control everything. What you (or anyone) may consider an innocent statement is simply not permitted.
In a year or so, we will most likely read the details in the back pages of some insurance company's publication, be sure to renew your coverage with DAN. I'm certain that it will appear in SDM as well...
but not until their lawyers have checked it out and given the go-ahead to publish "details".
As for the flamers? Oh they'll keep popping up no matter what. Whether it's some self- proclaimed leader of free-truth in SCUBA or someone with a Doctorate in Divology, everybody has their motives. Far as I can see, and I'm a veteran of rec.scuba, there have been no flames here.
I've been to CCV maybe 27 times in my 30+ trips to Roatan. I'm as about as close to family as one can become to CoCoView, but still I know
nothing more than what was in their original news release, posted here and from the place seen at
I'll be back diving at CCV this December,
not a doubt or worry in my mind. Two other dive trips first, though!
I am, unfortunately, in that .01% group as described above, and I'm savvy enough of the system to know to not bother asking for more detail than so far provided.