I will give kudos to the resort for coming forward immediately when the incident happened. That had to be a hard decision for them, esp with all the emotional turmoil they had to be going through. However, since they started it, they should keep the information flowing.
I'm still not convienced that they have a moral obligation to provide details. But I am sure of one thing: The only thing more laughable than expecting them to have already provided full detailed account of the accident (which only happened three weeks ago) is to demand that said account be provided on an internet chat forum.
For the record, I asked the question, directly e-mailing the resort (the original poster of the statement). My e-mail was recieved, but never responded to or acknowledged. Then I asked on the resort's own message boards. First, I was flamed. Then, the thread "vanished". When you can't go through primary channels, secondary channels (like ScubaBoard) become your only resort.
And nothing in the one and only statement released by the resort said that the DM died last. The statement was glaringly ambiguous on that point. They said only that one died within a few minutes of the start of the dive, and one died on ascent. That right there makes me think that it was their own DM that had a problem, but then I've always had a "grassy knoll" kind of mind.
2. The DMs autopsy results are known but I haven't seen their results(per CCV)
(only the results of the guest)
I have seen nothing released on the client casualty. Was there an article or release that stated what happened to him? Can you point us to it?
As a paying customer who is arriving in less than two weeks, am I "owed" an explanation for the dive incident that took their own employee and a client? Maybe not. Am I "owed" anything at all? Just a guarantee that they have reviewed everything within their control and found nothing wrong with their equipment or procedures.
Keep in mind, I have never been to the resort in question. So to me, they have everything to prove. I don't know if they are a five-star Hilton, or some 3rd world gulag with 1960's equipment (over-dramatization, but you get the point.) Everyone on the board seems to fall over themselves praising the place, and that's great, and that's the reason I'm going. But right now, they are looking to me more like a WaveDancer tragedy than a top-of-the-line resort, and I think that's a failure of their own PR department.