This is written out of ignorance. You haven't done the training to say that.
Why ascribe your motives to others? You want equivalency without actually earning it. You're only deceiving yourself when you do.
So, the consistency is not "fictitious". By your own words you've identified the real problem in accepting wreck as equal to full cave.
Would that include you?
The cave community and especially the NSS-CDS has resisted the tendency to include everyone who wants to be an instructor as such. That's not an accident but a commitment to excellence. While many non NSS-CEDS instructors may resent that, it's obviously true. You can try to tear down the NSS-CDS as
@DevonDiver is trying to do to bring it down to his level: OR THEY CAN EMULATE THEIR SUCCESS. It will take time and a similar commitment to excellence, but their's is a tradition to copy. No, I'm not an NSS-CDS instructor, but I know the real deal when I see it. Call that elitism if you want, but why is it a bad thing to ID the truly elite? Leave the jealousy and pettiness behind and accept that they've done a superior job in teaching. It's not that you're bad: it's just that they are exceptional. Of course, without the humility to accept reality, you really can't begin to copy it.
We get that from our instructors. Again, why isn't this true for wreck?