Should training agencies consolidate some of their certifications?

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Wasn't this guy banned?
Yes, but apparently only for a short period. His last post was Jun 29, then he reappeared again this morning with 7 posts in a 2h period, plus a number of reactions to other posts. It looks like he got a three-week ban that accomplished nothing except some peace and quiet for 3 weeks for the rest of us. He offers nothing but sprious comments and questions, based on no experience. He is apparently not a bot, which is too bad, because then there would be an explanation for his uselessness.
Yes, but apparently only for a short period. His last post was Jun 29, then he reappeared again this morning with 7 posts in a 2h period, plus a number of reactions to other posts. It looks like he got a three-week ban that accomplished nothing except some peace and quiet for 3 weeks for the rest of us. He offers nothing but sprious comments and questions, based on no experience. He is apparently not a bot, which is too bad, because then there would be an explanation for his uselessness.
Don’t feed the troll.
If nobody responds to his posts, he will get bored and go away.
I think I will through in a serious comment here. As some know, I am a retired educator who worked at a high theoretical level. Today's lesson will be on the difference between "just in case" education and "just in time" education.

"Just in case" education teaches things a student either is known to need now or might need at any time, in which case it is important that the student be prepared now. That includes pretty much everything in the standard OW course, much of which focuses on safety skills that could happen on any dive but likely never will.​
"Just in time" education deals with topics and skills that the student needs for a specific anticipated reason that is coming soon. The student will not need those skills before that anticipated reason. For scuba, that includes things like altitude diving, diving in tides, fish ID, night diving, etc.​
When teaching the OW class, you do not want the time spent learning things they may never need or want to know to interfere with their ability to learn the critical skills they need to be basic divers.
  • PADI’s tec 40/45/50 in 5 metre increments to pass to the next level. With Trimix training included. If you can dive to 40 metres I’m sure you can dive to 60.
  • Cave and cavern is really the same thing. Just less light.
  • Wreck/Advanced wreck: I’m sure training in one wreck would qualify for any wreck, unless it’s deeper.
Yes. Very much like Trigonometry, Calculus I, and Calculus II are essentially the same class. If you've learned one, you've learned them all.
Don’t feed the troll.
If nobody responds to his posts, he will get bored and go away.
It is a great sentiment, but impossible to enforce. Especially when the first response on this thread was from another wanna-be troll. the really good trolls entice people with the topic, and they can't resist. The OP here is smart; he puts the post in a "be nice" forum so you can only wish you could call him a jack*** to his face, but of course you can't in this thread. :(

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