Hey -
I appreciate a
rational discussion, but if you’re suggesting this is just me “whingeing on social media,” then you
haven’t actually looked at the facts.
A documented court ruling confirms I was the victim of a violent crime.
PADI was made aware of this and initially placed me on admin hold in 2019.
Years later, after I updated them on the court ruling, they revoked my membership under a vague “best interests” clause.
At no point did they cite any professional misconduct, breach of standards, or other justification related to diving.
If my
“tone” (as you speculate) was an issue, that’s
still not a valid legal or ethical justification for revoking an instructor’s ability to work—especially one who was the victim, not the perpetrator.
PADI is a
business, not a judicial body, and
certainly not above real courts of law.
So yes,
I am pursuing legal options, but I am also making this public because it is
bigger than just me. PADI has a
long history of operating without accountability. If you believe there are “two sides,” I’d invite PADI to state
their side openly. Instead, they rely on secretive internal committees and vague contract clauses to justify
life-altering decisions.
If highlighting
documented injustices makes people uncomfortable, then maybe that says more about PADI than it does about me.
Just sayin’.