Diving Deaths, Boynton Beach....PBP News

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Condolances to the families.

I always find it remarkable that so many divers have such a visceral inclination to avoid speaking to reporters then criticize the press for not understanding diving. If we don't educate them then how are they going to learn and get the story right?

By way of full disclosure, I was a journalist for nearly a decade (and still occasionally report).

This is a terrible accident, but the DM who tried to rescue them was not acting as a DM then, so the protocals did not apply. In this case, he was an expert who made a heroic effort and was a very logical person to speak to the media.

Kevin.... Sorry sweetie for just now reading all this... I cant even imagine what that task must have been like for you and Lynn. What a horrible day out at sea.. You are one of the kindest people I have ever met in my life, and Im honored to call you my friend. I know people will go back and fourth with all this, what you should or shouldnt have done or said, but know this... I think you both are amazing, and what you did was a wonderful thing.
Im certain you gave their family a little peace of mind knowing someone went down after them, someone took a stance and tried, someone risked their own life so another might live, someone did everything humanly possible to bring them back... Its alarming to me how many people dont or wont do anything but mouth breath with a blank stare....
Im so very proud of you my friend!!
Im with ya Vick!
Monday morning quarterbacking the situation (or any situation) is Exactly what we should be doing. Thats how we learn. We disect the chain of events (Wether they are right wrong or indifferent) and learn from what we talked about.

No disrespect, but I think this is crap. I've been around recoveries and deaths. Internet divers disecting incidents that they know nothing of has not taught many lessons. Discussing things without confirmation is sheer horse poop. These types of threads have been going on since back in the tecdiver forums. Most conjecture is unsubstantiated anyway.

And, for the record, I no longer work with Splashdown Divers.

Internet divers disecting incidents that they know nothing of has not taught many lessons. Discussing things without confirmation is sheer horse poop.

You've just described about 60% of the posts/threads on scubaboard. Should we just disband the board.

I see this all the time. Someone posts something about an incident, then anyone who wants to question what happened or look a little deeper than the surface gets flamed.

If all someone wants in response to a post is feel good responses then maybe we need to have Pete create a "feel good" forum or a "My hero" forum. I don't mean that sarcastically either, and I'm not being critical of your response Divesherpa. I'm just responding to it.

I will now go put on my Scubaboard armor and prepare for the flaming and S*** storm.
My intent in posting the article was as a thank you to the local Scubaboarder involved in the rescue/recovery, and posted specifically in the Florida section because of the local significance.

I see no need for criticism of the details of the incident. There is indeed another thread in the Incidents and Accidents forum to discuss. Thank you.

Thank you Vickie for the words I was unable to put together.
I'm late to the forum but also want to commend Kevin and Lynn for their actions. Thanks for not thinking only about yourselves like most people do, but for going above and beyond, trying to help those unfortunate divers. While my thoughts and prayers go out to the victim's families, mine also go out to you guys as I know it's a tough situation to be in.
Guys, Can't we all just get along. No one (myself included) is faulting Kevin for anything. I think we can all agree he went above and beyond, and did the best he could. I don't think anyone is questioning that.

We are just discussing a situation and assumed events as we all stipulate we weren't there. Thats what Scubaboard is, a discussion board. If we can't talk about this why have Scubaboard.

Monday morning quarterbacking the situation (or any situation) is Exactly what we should be doing. Thats how we learn. We disect the chain of events (Wether they are right wrong or indifferent) and learn from what we talked about.


"Monday morning quarterbacking" is a good thing and be constructive as long as those discussing the matter were either witnesses or participants in the event which is being discussed.

Unfortunately, the persons who were involved in this event are not here to give a first hand account of the actual events surrounding this tragedy; nor are there witnesses who observed the entire event.

Based upon the fact that there are neither participants nor witnesses, any disucssion of the event is a matter of conjecture, supposition or hypothesis, not fact.

the K
Kevin... You rock. Thanks for caring enough to do something I hope I never have to do, and for telling the truth as you see it. Too many "e-bay divers" out there and many dive way beyond their capabilities.

As for "Monday Morning Quarterbacks"... yeah, they sometime hurt when they question our friends. However, if the questions didn't get asked, people would not learn what was right or not right. Kevin has nothing to hide as he had no professional obligation to the deceased divers. How would others realise this if they didn't ask?

Also, Kevin knows how often these "investigations" try to assign fault rather than to figure out how to avoid having the same thing over and over again. With that in mind, thanks for pointing out what you saw Kev! Rather than being hidden, these issues have been brought front and center where they should be!

If nothing else, this should show Kevin just how MANY ScubaBoardians appreciate his hard work and are willing to defend his honor! You rock man!
I certainly think commendations are rightly due Kevin and Lynn for their actions. It can be extremely difficult to step up to the plate in situations such as the one under discussion.

I hope that no one misconstrues my post regarding "Monday morning quarterbacking".

I am a staunch defender of the discussion of the "facts of the matter", especially in the case of diving accidents. But my support is for the discussion of just those, the facts, not the suppositions that can be drawn from what is known, or not known.

What happens in so many of these tragedies is that a modicum of truth/knowledge is turned into a world of supposition.

To be in such a situation and not to be able to do as much as one would wish is one of the most horrible positions in which a person can be placed.

Kevin and Lynn, thank you for being good people. God bless you.

The Kraken

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