Diving And Dating!

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Aww....Dr. Bill - I am sure your dive mate is out there somewhere!

Now, the question I have is would any of you want to dive with someone with low standards?? EEeeek!! Not me!

Now - low morals.............hmmmm................:cheers:
I met my far better half while teaching her to dive. We have a little bubblemaker now and plan for more.
I have introduced many couples (some that worked out, some that just washed out) over the years.
I suggest live aboards, trips, planned group activities, scuba clubs etc. to find that special scuba bunny or scuba shark that you seek.
Ask your last instructor if you can help out on an open water weekend (ie. hang out and flex) just remember to suck in that gut...
John McClane once bubbled...

Ask your last instructor if you can help out on an open water weekend (ie. hang out and flex) just remember to suck in that gut...

Note to self....suck in gut!!

Cherry once bubbled...
Jez Al before I found my wife in Idaho I used to do alot of looking in Oregon. Nothing like a back to the earth, tree hugger with very low morals, lots down there :)

A foreigner found Idahos woman! Now what are they going to do?

Al Mialkovsky once bubbled...
Can there be a subsection for scuba diving supermodels with low standards and lower morals????:wacko:

Morals? Wait, what are those??

Now that I've become a diver, I've really begun to enjoy it so much, to the extent that my future spouse should be one too. It would be great to have so much fun underwater, look at beautiful stuff, and get wet together (in the diving sense, of course).

Now when I meet girls, I tend to have this assessment criterion list that goes...

nice looks? check....
wonderful personality? check...
diver? check... WOOHOOOO :1st:

if it's non-diver... then I'd be errr.... see ya! (just kidding) :Peace:

But seriously, having a soul mate who dives or is willing to learn is just awesome, I reckon. What better than to share God's creation underwater?

Here's to more scubagals and mermaids! :blondie:
All the women I've dated or "hung-out with" like the idea of scuba diving, but most of them do not ever see themselves getting certified. Then there are those who say they want to get certified, but they're too lazy to take the course. :confused:
Uh Gill.... that isn't just a women thing. The same goes for all the men I've dated.

Him: I've always wanted to learn to dive.
Couple months later...
Me: The next SCUBA class starts ##/##/##.
Him: Why do you assume I want to dive?

So it's a common problem that affect both sexes. Guess we're all in the same boat. No pun intended. heehee

You're right Paula, Gill, Bakpakka, etc.

If a woman doesn't already dive when I meet her, I hold out little hope she will if I date her... unless she already has a strong interest in marine biology.

That's why I go to the Casino Dive Park every weekend. However, I must admit that I'm probably batting 0 for 1,000,000+ (0 for 150-200 this weekend alone assuming half were female).

Dr. Bill

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