It's great having an SO that dives. Even better for us because we were married almost 25 years when we took our OW class together in our early 40's. We've seen alot of relationship dynamics related to scuba, from 'great, it's changed our lives' to wives/husbands making their husbands/wives 'pay' for every minute they spend diving to divorce.
Over the years of divemastering, we've seen the SO/GF/BF of divers go through OW class just because their mate wanted them to. Needless to say they make sorry students and sorrier divers. We've seen some, both male and female, who do alright in class but who definately will be nothing more than a clear water vacation diver. But the best relationship I've seen is one we had a few weeks ago. A woman and her BF. She signed them up for class and he reluctantly agreed. She was definately the gung ho one here, trying hard and coming along fine. He on the other hand, handled the academics in a breeze and was the best student in the water...and he didn't like it. He told us after the last dive that this would be something he did only on vacation in clear blue water and very little of it then. BUT he was excited about her enjoyment of diving. He's volunteered to be the 'Camp Dad' whenever we do local dives, he just wants to be involved in any way he can as long as it doesn't involve getting geared up and in the water. He got my respect for being open minded and giving it an honest try. That's all you can ask for.
As I said, I'm lucky to have my diving buddy/spouse. But I think if I was single and looking, it would be almost as nice to have someone like this fellow who was totally supportive of my diving.
I wish all you single divers all the luck!