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This was in todays news.

Above do not solve global and detail

COZUMEL, 6 September.- still does not disengage the problem between providers of nautical services with Cozumel Marine World Cup organizers Triathlon, because the first call for some kind of compensation for each day that are affecting their operations, while the others say no money is left for Thursday a meeting in search of a final solution.
once a meeting between users Marina Cozumel or Marina Fonatur concluded, their proposal was sharp and apparent condition of not giving up behind; They want to get paid thousand 200 pesos for three days at each of the 40 vessels whose operations are based on the sea, so they go for next week and the artificial mouth can be used for the arrival of competitors in the World Triathlon.
This idea was put on the negotiating table by vessel owners for losses that would cause them to leave the artificial mouth to make way for competition, throwing that a day would be paid a sum of 48 thousand pesos and the three would be an amount of 144 thousand pesos, otherwise are threatening to not get out.
from that meeting, the owners of boats marine service allegedly told them that the organizers do not have money to pay its proposal, a version not consider credible.
One person who was present, said he did not want to continue dealing with employees of the organizing company in Mexico, so they asked that Thursday is a meeting with the senior management of the company to reach a settlement.
he noted in the marina you have a pattern of little more than 200 boats, however, only 40 would be directly affected because from there come to their services, contrary to others that are particular or the rest up passengers in certain hotels or docks of the city.
a four - day event has not reached a solution, and staff who have sent the organizers do not accept changing the phase swim to the open sea on the waterfront of the marina, because according to version, there should be no more than 200 meters away for the transition from sea to the bicycle.
in that case, the Port Authority of Quintana Roo (Apiqroo), said via the holder in Cozumel, Victor Vivas Valdes, that the absence of a contract between the Apiqroo with users will be respected and not be forced to exit the maritime shelter, unless the owners agree to do so by agreement between them.
I was there in the meeting for 3+ hours - this is highly inaccurate! ITU THINKS that MONEY and paying us off will solve the problem - they have proposed PAYING us for days of lost work - you cannot put a value on that and the amount they "offered" was laughable - and it's not all about the money for this week - it's about tourism in general and the long lasting affects this can have. No one has accepted their MONEY. I'm rushing out to a meeting now - so don't have time to address all that is incorrect in this article! But it's horribly inaccurate!

Final decisions and answers will be tomorrow morning at the big meeting with authorities - just because they are constructing their little triathlon park does not mean they have authorization or permits to be doing so. They are operating as if it's going through - we will find out tomorrow!
FYI, this is why I raised this issue last spring on SB. At this point regardless right or wrong or even legality I think the event will go forward as planned. There is simply to much money involved and it is too late to change plans. It sucks but face it, the Fonatur marina is part a larger real estate project which never wanted working boats it it in the first place. The only reason the dive boats are there is that the marina design was botched and the 'fix' was access to the Caleta entrance which involved giving the old Caleta to the Intercontinental Hotels group, for their real estate project, and forcing the working boats into the Fonatur marina, which was not designed to accommodate them.
While next week sucks, what I see as the longer term problem, is that once the various commercial real estate projects around the marina get going in the next few years Fonatur will probably try to squeeze the dive and other work boats out or 'their' marina.
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FYI, this is why I raised this issue last spring on SB. At this point regardless right or wrong or even legality I think the event will go forward as planned. There is simply to much money involved and it is too late to change plans. It sucks but face it, the Fonatur marina is part a larger real estate project which never wanted working boats it it in the first place. The only reason the dive boats are there is that the marina design was botched and the 'fix' was access to the Caleta entrance which involved giving the old Caleta to the Intercontinental Hotels group, for their real estate project, and forcing the working boats into the Fonatur marina, which was not designed to accommodate them.
While next week sucks, I see as the longer term problem, is that once the various commercial real estate projects around the marina get going in the next few years Fonatur will probably try to squeeze the dive and other work boats out or 'their' marina.

Just as an FYI - we haven't JUST begun trying to work things out with the ITU people. There is so much more to the story - and communications have been going on for months - with lies and finger pointing. Despite the lack f permits and authorizations, the ITU organizers bulldozed their way in and snuffed their noses at local authorities basically.

One side of Fonatur is "privately" owned, the other side is government and there are contracts valid for the next 17 - 18 years - if we are blocked from access next week, the contract violation will be only ONE problem they have. Boat owners who moved over to Fonatur without signing contracts, well - they don't really have anything to protect them. They have no legal standing in the marina. Not to mention it is against Federal Law to ever block access to the marina.

Did I mention why woulth the race organizers even choose to have their athletes swim in such toxic water. The new marina is not a natural marina and has no filter. It is loaded with gasoline, diesel, oil, fecal matter, decaying dead fish and yes, crocodiles. There were health issues last year among athletes after the swim as a result of that water, yet they are ignoring that and chose yet again to have the swim in the marina - ignoring and not utilizing the beautiful natural resources of Cozumel - those that would not disrupt commerce, tourism, and livlihoods for an entire week!
Just as an FYI - we haven't JUST begun trying to work things out with the ITU people. There is so much more to the story - and communications have been going on for months - with lies and finger pointing. Despite the lack f permits and authorizations, the ITU organizers bulldozed their way in and snuffed their noses at local authorities basically.

One side of Fonatur is "privately" owned, the other side is government and there are contracts valid for the next 17 - 18 years - if we are blocked from access next week, the contract violation will be only ONE problem they have. Boat owners who moved over to Fonatur without signing contracts, well - they don't really have anything to protect them. They have no legal standing in the marina. Not to mention it is against Federal Law to ever block access to the marina.

Did I mention why woulth the race organizers even choose to have their athletes swim in such toxic water. The new marina is not a natural marina and has no filter. It is loaded with gasoline, diesel, oil, fecal matter, decaying dead fish and yes, crocodiles. There were health issues last year among athletes after the swim as a result of that water, yet they are ignoring that and chose yet again to have the swim in the marina - ignoring and not utilizing the beautiful natural resources of Cozumel - those that would not disrupt commerce, tourism, and livlihoods for an entire week!
Christi, I agree it is 100% ********. I normally dive that week but I moved my vacation (I am currently on the ADO heading to the airport). My feeling is that vested real estate interests are at work here attempting to showcase their property for future development. As I ride up 307 I look at all the Mega resorts on the mainland that were allowed to be built in the 90's and doubt very much that the laws were actually followed when they were allowed to develop.
Just as an FYI - we haven't JUST begun trying to work things out with the ITU people. There is so much more to the story - and communications have been going on for months - with lies and finger pointing. Despite the lack f permits and authorizations, the ITU organizers bulldozed their way in and snuffed their noses at local authorities basically.

One side of Fonatur is "privately" owned, the other side is government and there are contracts valid for the next 17 - 18 years - if we are blocked from access next week, the contract violation will be only ONE problem they have. Boat owners who moved over to Fonatur without signing contracts, well - they don't really have anything to protect them. They have no legal standing in the marina. Not to mention it is against Federal Law to ever block access to the marina.

Did I mention why woulth the race organizers even choose to have their athletes swim in such toxic water. The new marina is not a natural marina and has no filter. It is loaded with gasoline, diesel, oil, fecal matter, decaying dead fish and yes, crocodiles. There were health issues last year among athletes after the swim as a result of that water, yet they are ignoring that and chose yet again to have the swim in the marina - ignoring and not utilizing the beautiful natural resources of Cozumel - those that would not disrupt commerce, tourism, and livlihoods for an entire week!

Dear Christi,

Yes, our Memo was at all the meetings, just like your Pablo was, and we have a slightly different take on these issues.

First, we believe that every dive shop can do a work around, just like we all do at Carnival and the Ironman. It is surely not a backbreaking inconvenience for any of us

Second, September is a very slow month for ALL the people of Cozumel. The people in all the shops, hotels etc frequently struggle greatly in these times. And for those who truly love Cozumel for more than just the diving, they should be somewhat pleased that these fine people will enjoy what comes with having 12,000 guests paying for hotels, food etc. and not just the 200 divers that show up that weekend.

Finally, after all the meetings and bickering I don't think any of us should begrudge the local community an unexpected bonanza, given that we all can have work arounds for the problems that our few divers face.

Expecting Backlash, but that is our opinion because we love Cozumel,

Dave Dillehay
Next meeting make it a short one bring sack lunches for them, just substitute bags of pesos for the PBJs. Hmmm.... thank you, meeting adjourned.

Did I mention why woulth the race organizers even choose to have their athletes swim in such toxic water. The new marina is not a natural marina and has no filter. It is loaded with gasoline, diesel, oil, fecal matter, decaying dead fish and yes, crocodiles. There were health issues last year among athletes after the swim as a result of that water, yet they are ignoring that and chose yet again to have the swim in the marina - ignoring and not utilizing the beautiful natural resources of Cozumel - those that would not disrupt commerce, tourism, and livlihoods for an entire week!

That's probably one of your biggest things in your favor. Get a press release sent out about the water quality in the marina, get on the facebook pages of the triatholon and people using it who are signed up and let them know about it. Get enough of that out there and the problem will take care of itself.
Actually Dave - we all love Cozumel and we all want what's best for the island as a whole. We are not at all against the event itself and understand the benefit of the extra tourism for the week, but we are looking at long term big picture effects of shutting down the marina for several days / not simply the impact on this week. Their current plans are not to shut it down for 30 minutes or for one day. Their current plans are three solid days of shut down and closing it other mornings during peak hours for boats going in and out. Again, better planning allows everyone to co exist and truly benefit the island.

This is Much different than Ironman and cannot be compared. Ironman causes some minor inconveniences for a day. It does not take place inside the marina. They are not blocking access to the marina for Ironman. Ironman does not shut down the major lifeblood of the island for even a day let alone several days.

There have have been more developments since last week as were discussed in last nights meeting (memo was not there). Although I was off island for the meeting at the planetarium last week (Pedro was there on my behalf) I have been involved and staying abreast through the group chats that have been formed as well as emails.

Yes, we all have contingency plans for the week - like you, we also care about minimizing the effects on our divers. However, we cannot sit idly by and continue to allow these things to happen for too many a reasons to go into here. Some very valid points were made with solutions last night. Hopefully these will be implemented and everyone can be "happy."

Tomorrow morning at 9am we will know what the final Plans are as far as routes, closures, etc. when we meet with local and state government officials and the ITU race coordinators. I hope to see you and/or Memo there.
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