You know, I try and read all the threads in the A&I forum, thinking hopefully I will learn and prevent an accident in the future. So far, there has been some invaluable tips and lessons that I have taken away, just by reading someone elses viewpoint on what could have been done.
That being said, reading this thread sucks. I am not interested in rebreathers, or diving solo beyond recreational depths. So what I am taking away is that we lost another diver. No reason why, just life coming to bite us in the ass again. And that is a depressing thought.
I am sorry Mike for what you had to be a part of, and the other gentlemean that posted that was on the other boat. I have never been close to a loss, and I can't imagine how one would look at the world of diving afterwards. Thank you for your very informational post, and I am happy to hear that you had the most professional, respectful team looking for the diver. If nothing else, we should all be thankful that the resources were in place to search for the missing diver
May everyone find the answers, closure, and peace they need to move on from this experience