With regard to high blood pressure, you're doctor is correct as I've been told moderately high BP generally does not present an issue for divers as long as their condition is limited to moderately high BP. If high BP is combined with heart problems, untreated artery blockage, aneurysm, etc. that is a different story. A significant % of the population has high BP and it can be assumed the same % of divers also have high BP. Obviously dangerously high BP presents the same risks diving as it does anywhere else. One of the best ways to lower BP is through exercise (certainly more exercise than one gets drifting and finning through a weightless environment). I don't think anyone with moderately high BP not due to a secondary cause ("Essential Hypertension") has ever had a doctor tell them they shouldn't exercise - they are encouraged to. It should also be noted that everyone's BP fluctuates on a cycle. Generally it peaks in the AM or early afternoon and then gradually falls to its lowest point when sleeping. Someone with high BP in the AM and lower BP in the afternoon, evening and lowest sleeping doesn't have high BP if their average over 24 hours ends up being pretty normal. If someone knows their BP and monitors it and their Dr. knows it and says it's OK to dive, that's that.