Dive reports with beach/weather conditions

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Tremblay Reef (out of Stump pass)
Depth 42'
M-7 (out of Stump pass) 7 mile.
Depth 45'
Venice Boneyard (North of Sharkies)
Depth 20-25'
Lots of Drift Algae ( very doable)
Have Fun, Dive Safe..
went out 4/11 (sorry about late post).
3 dives in all...

Alhambra (area.. more North of it trying out new spots). Kayak diving. Depth 18-21.
Lots of drift algae
Temp: 73-76 (hit some warmer areas and noticed it at times).
viz: 2 ft in patchs. 4-7 in other areas.
Viz actually improved as day went on (normally other way around).
Watching weather and hope to be out Saturday (SwellInfo suggests it might be ok).
Post if you have any news :)
Dive safe.
@ Dive4lifesw, We saw the same on wed the 11th. It was patchy viz in the morning.. some spots would be 6'
but 10' over you would have 1-2' of viz.. The reason the viz improved later in the day was because high tide was
around 3pm or 4pm. Sun and Mon look like a wash, but later in the week like Thur- Sat are looking good if you
can hit the end of the incoming tides which should be around noon. Lots of great stuff is being found out there!
Dive safe!
Today 04/15
boneyard strong se winds 15-20 knts with surge made water not the funnest today vis was 4-6ft water temp 74
looks like same winds next few days canceled trips for afternoon and Monday ...
winds back off on Wednesday a little
Venice boneyard north of sharkies.
Temp: 74
Sea: 1-2' chop with a 2' swell..
Winds E till around 10am then SSE
Viz 2-6'
Service Club
Time 8:45 am
Wind E@5
Seas <1'
Water Temp 74
Vis 2'-4' in the 20' depths
Finds couple frags and the usual small stuff
Venice Fishing Pier
Time 10:00 am
Wind SSE 5+
Seas 1'
Water Temp 79
Max depth 16'
Vis 4'
Did the annual Pier clean-up. There was an area of rubble about 3/4 of the way out.
Stopped on the way back in and gave it a quick check. Finds a 6" whale vert., and some small teeth.

---------- Post added May 6th, 2012 at 04:55 PM ----------

Service Club
Time 9:00 am
Wind SE 5
Seas Flat
Water Temp 79
Max depth 23'
Vis 4'-8'
Finds a 1 3/4" worn meg, a nice 2" golden beach lower mako but it's missing a root lobe, and the usual small stuff

saw several sea trout never noticed them before

3 dives (kayak):
Boneyard off golden beach Viz 4-6 (was cloudy so a bit dark down there). Seas flat. Wind SE 5 or less.
Alhambra First dive around 11:30 (Viz was 2-5); second dive 1:30'ish (Viz was 4-8 (high tide helped)).
Water temp was around 77.
Found a decent 3 incher and usual small stuff.

Lots of wildlife out there (nudibranch, barracuda (school of about 30 babies... 2-3 inches long), fish). Overall, no major finds but enjoyable now that water is warming up and more wildlife. Dive safe.
5/06/12 - Hammerhead was on some of our Sothern spots on Sunday. Vizability was between 8 and 10 feet. Some very nice finds including a perfect 5 inch brown, a very nice 4 5/8 green, a 2 inch perfect Mako, and many smaller Megs and other fossils. Water temp is 75, with thermocline at about 15 feet, feels to be at least 4 degrees warmer on the surface.

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