Dive reports with beach/weather conditions

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alhambra 0900-1130
Beautiful no waves, surface temp
79 temp at 22' 77. a little silt
but viz was at least 8 ft. lots of fish
not too many big finds one 3 inch
broken tip cplr of frags. just happy
to be back in the water after a year
Location: north of sharkies
Tide: incoming
Water Temp: 80 surface 77 bottom
Sea State: Flat calm
Viz 8'-12'
Depth 20-28'
Finds: Megs, Makos, The usual small teeth. Pics on pic thread.
Pic: to show sea conditions. IMG_20120508_113631.jpg
Friday 5/11/12
on the Aristakat looked like we were halfwayish between Sharkies and Alhambra
20'-25' depth
viz 2-4 ft first dive, 4-6 ft 2nd dive
lots of fish including Large Grouper and lots of Tarpon rolling on the surface
found large frag, hemi, whale and horse tooth, usual smaller teeth
Viz: 8+ clean, on occasion small suspended particles
Temp: 80
Wind: E 8 knots
Flat water

The viz allows for great finds wish my boat was working I would have tried to get out a little deeper or hit the reefs.
"BOAT= Bust out another thousand.."
Did S.Brohard this a.m. Twas both a good dive & a bad dive. It was a good dive because I had another encounter with a turtle & I also saw a nice size nurse shark. That was the first nurse shark I have seen on that reef. Winds were out of the east upon entry & shifted to South east on exit. High tide, water temp 78 & Vis was a nice 6 - 8 ft. There was a bit of snow so sometimes the viz didn't seem great but it was okay. The bad news...............I lost a wgt pocket, so.......................If anyone finds a black integrated wgt pocket with 8 lbs of lead in it, tis mine.
Did S.Brohard Donut Dive this morning. Incoming tide, east winds, water temp was 78. Viz was about 6ft with a lot of snot. Viz was improving as high tide approached unfortunately I only brought 1 tank. <sigh> Wgt. pocket lost last weekend is still MIA.
Morning Trip.
Location #1 South of Sharkies 3-4mi.
Location #2 North of Sharkies Boneyard.
Viz : #1 12-15' in 30'
Viz : #2 6-10' in 20'
Time : 7am- 12
Sea conditions: smooth-1' Winds E 15-20
Afternoon Trip 12:30-5pm
Location: #1 South Of pier 2-3 mi.
Viz : #1 8-10' in 28'
Sea conditions: @2:30pm Winds shifted N 15-20 Seas 3' w/ occasional 4'
#2 dive canceled to unsafe sea conditions.
Finds: Lots of megs. 2"-just under 5", Whale Verts, Makos,
Horse Teeth, and the other usual small stuff. Pics: on pic thread.
May 21, 2012 @ 12 noon
South of Venice Beach
18 fsw
temp 81
viz 3-6 murky, some silt
winds just starting to turn NNW
Tide was high @ 11:58 AM
was a little bumpy on the way back in. Found a nice fossil bed,
lots of small teeth. All in all a good dive!
3 dives....
Kayak diving in bone yard off Alhambra (about 1/2 mile or more).... Great viz (10+ at moments, consider 8 average). Swell/current minimal (wish for more current to help clear fossil beds!). 2 dives here from 9 to about 1:30 (remember... KAYAK DIVING OUT).
Came into the area closer to blocks/lined up with Pier around 2. Viz was so-so (3-6). Some 1 ft swells towards 3:30. Normal low viz afternoon. Water temp (forgot to look???).
Bottom line, good diving, a bit more silt towards the Northern areas of Alhambra (but some new fossil beds opening up). Considering Service Park or Sharkeys if I make it out this weekend. Finds in areas further out were good (will post later).

My suggestions: forget work, go diving (and if my boss asks, I have the flu today :) ). Just kidding!
S. Brohard. In at 8:45. Incoming tide, calm water, temp 80 & viz 8 - 10 ft. Still snot in the water & drift algae around & between the blocks. Wgt pocket is still MIA.

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