Dive reports with beach/weather conditions

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Alhambra and the boneyard (south of Alhambra) ON KAYAK

Viz: 10+ (best I have seen in a long time)
Wind: Out of east ... bit strong, but water was pretty flat
seas: flat to 1 ft (maybe 1 ft)
Some silt (minor, but still annoying) around Alhambra. Cleared up closer to service park area
Water temp: Estimate mid-60's (computer was not working right, had to go old fashion dial readings!)

One thing: VERY overcast. Made hunting a bit more challenging.
Will post finds on photo page later.
Service club
Time: 9:00 am
Wind: E <5
Seas: flat, winds SE @10 and 1' swells upon exit
Water Temp: 66
Dive time: 2 hrs. 5/4 suit w/ hooded vest
Vis: 5'-10'
Finds: nice 2 3/4" meg , some frags and the usual small stuff
A few Miles south of caspersons.....
2-4: viz 10-15' 2-5: viz 8-10'
Depth: 28-30'
Water Temp: 64
2-5 Did a drop the Dog beach around 16' viz: 4-6' Lots of
purple/green fuzzy plant / tumble weed-like stuff everywhere...
Finds: A few nice 1-2" makos, Deer antler base, turtle shell,
A few small 1-2" megs and one Decent 3"er.. Oh and good fun w/
some great Divers!
What are you doing reading this....? Beautiful dive today Alhambra 22feet for about 1.5 hrs 4-6 ft viz water was like glass no suspended particles.....

Small finds had perfect weight with my 3mm shorty and 7/5 wetsuit 5mm hood and gloves didn't even notice the 67*

Started at boneyard around 9:45... great dive. Viz 5-12+. Water temp (mid 60's). Wind moderate (5-10). Tide (high'ish?) Flat with some 1 ft....

Second dive same until about 12:30. Wind kicks up majorly (15++). White caps/waves 2ft'ish (+/-). Viz moved like a wall and dropped to 5. Then more into dive less. Went to blocks over Alhambra and viz was 1-2 (if that). Aborted dive and didn't do 3rd. Winds were out of north. Swell followed (north to south'ish).

So, watch wind, see what it does (I use Swellinfo.com).
I know some divers were in Manasota Key area. If you can post please do. Was hoping to go out this weekend, but not sure. :(

2012-02-08 13.39.04.jpg Doesn't look bad, but those are white caps and viz was moving down like a wall.
Off the beach in 28 feet of water
Seas were flat, water emerald green
Water temp. 64
Wind was calm, less than 5kn
Vis. was 8+ feet in most spots
Many nice megs in 3-4 inch range, many frags and small teeth including a number of nice Makos and even a Great White.
Winds calm
Sea flat as glass initially small waves on way back in
Water Temp 66*
Vis 8+
Max Depth 20'
Duration: 1:30 hrs

Beautiful dive, looking for megs still no luck. I found a BUNCH of really nice sized teeth just not the amazing stuff I am after I feel I am getting closer :)

Service Club
9:00 am
winds SSE 10+
Seas 2'
Water Temp 69
Vis 8'+ after the first reef line
coming out the winds were SSW and seas were 2'+
Finds nothing big, about 200 small teeth
Well I had my choice of diving yesterday or today, after getting off a 24 hr shift with no sleep yesterday I decided I would hold out till today, wish I had gone yesterday :):

Wind S 6mph
Viz: 2feet (Suspended particulate all over)
Depth 21'
Duration: 2 min (Canceled the dive due to viz just didn't feel it today)
Temp: 69*
Waves: Slight chop

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