Dive hair

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Hey scubagirl!
If you want to save $$ on your next bottle, make it yourself. Fill the bottle almost full with water, add about a tablespoon or so of your favorite conditioner and a couple drops of hair polish. You get this in the beauty supply stores, GREAT for detangling and making your hair shiny. 4oz may run you $8-$10 or more, but will last a year. YOu only need a couple drops. Made and sold under various names, but its a thick clear liquid.
Matter of fact, you could probably just go with the hair polish. I swear by it.

I just discovered virtually the same thing! last week in Cabo, my husband didn't want to drive 18km back to the hotel to shower so we could turn around and come back to town for dinner (men :D). In desperation, I used the conditioner/water mixture out of my wetsuit snot spraybottle and it worked perfectly!

(Totally off the subject, try explaining to a fellow diver's 3yr old bubblewatcher that your bottle labeled "Snot" not a bad word, and not full of actual snot...)
Cool! Will keep that in mind when I run out of this bottle. It costs something like $3 and change Canadian for a pretty big bottle, so it seemed a small price to pay.

Cowprintrabbit, I have a question: what is a wetsuit snot bottle? Something you use to destink your wetsuit, I'm guessing?
Wetsuit Snot = 1/2 cheap hotel conditioner, 1/2 water in a spraybottle to help ease your wetsuit over any tight areas :D

I have really muscular calves and don't dive enough to warrant a custom suit...
Another brilliant idea!! I know lots of people will appreciate this.... Thanks!
The snot is real handy when you need to don damp or even still wet gear too. One pump misted into my booties and gloves makes them slip- right on and there's enough residual to doff easy too.
The snot is real handy when you need to don damp or even still wet gear too. One pump misted into my booties and gloves makes them slip- right on and there's enough residual to doff easy too.

I wish this thread had been on here before I went to Florida! I ended up just letting the hair do what it wanted until I got back to the hotel. And after fightng to get back into a wet pair of scuba boots...

O.K. Add "snot" to packing list for the next dive trip.

Christine in Dayton, OH :bfish:
I was about to ask today what brands of conditioner you use after a dive. Yay!
I have near waist lenth hair and I braid it (usually pig tail braids) for the dive day and wear a bandana under my hood to keep the hair in the hood and not in the mask but afterwards, ouch. I just bought a hat for SI's more for sun protection than hair and I love it.
The base of my braid always gets loose and icky and the tips are a mess after being squeezed under my wet suit. Thanks for the tips on conditioners!
Does anyone else never see other women fighting with their hair and feel like you're the only one on the boat with the problem? :11ztongue
Happy Diving.
Yep. I used to have long hair. Decided I'd rather enjoy post dive chatter than try to comb through it...
Lotsa conditioner....and that hair polish I mentioned earlier works wonders.
I was about to ask today what brands of conditioner you use after a dive. Yay!
I have near waist lenth hair and I braid it (usually pig tail braids) for the dive day and wear a bandana under my hood to keep the hair in the hood and not in the mask but afterwards, ouch. I just bought a hat for SI's more for sun protection than hair and I love it.
The base of my braid always gets loose and icky and the tips are a mess after being squeezed under my wet suit. Thanks for the tips on conditioners!
Does anyone else never see other women fighting with their hair and feel like you're the only one on the boat with the problem? :11ztongue
Happy Diving.

Try Pantene Pro V light spray conditioner. It instantly detangles hair.
Bio-silk helps enormously with tangling issues, on top of the other hair products I have undoubtedly mentioned. I am a hair product ho. :D

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