Dive flag awareness anyone?????

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thank you finding people who agree is not the problem finding people who are willing to step forward and help make it happen is another matter of its own.

also note dive flag awareness is not just for boaters. its for divers as well. there is a thread here on this board where instructors advocate anchoring a flag/float then do their dive then return to the float. the subject itself created such a fight that a moderator from this site had to step in. it still to this day boggles my mind that dive instructors would consider this to be a safe practice. one instructor went on to say that one might posibly be safer without a flag then with one above them.

if you dont beleive me see for your self. to make a long story short as you can see not too many people within the dive community were willing to devote any of their time on an issue that affects the entire dive community. that it was a free diver and not a scuba diver makes no difference.now that something like this has happened there maybe new laws coming unfortunitly those new laws may not be favorable to divers.
I strongly advocate the use of a dive flag for spots like EBeach and the Trench, but when I go to, for example, Portlock where I descend and ascend next to the wall and the currents prevent premature ascents, I don't worry about it. Might sound a little hypocritical, but I find a dive flag in such circumstances to be an serious hindrance against the rushing waters there. MHO
its a very good idea and its a very good start. the only problem is when you ask for a show of hands of people that can or would be willing to help do anything at all about it everyone clams up. it all ways seems to take a tragic moment in someones life for people to finally do something about a problem they know is already there. and thats only if it affects their life directly. because we know that the problem exist and we do nothing about it "we" are all a part of the problem. look at the number of people that have read this thread then tell me how many people have stated here that they are will to help? counting me it looks like four people. i guess that will have to do. well lets see what we can do with that.

btw thanks for your intrest I will be in touch.
Yesterday the motorcycle club I belong to did a ride over Central, South and West Maui. On our way back to Kihei from Lahaina we were just coming off Pali and looking down into Ma'alaea Harbor area when we spotted 4 windsurfers buzzing by a dive flag that was out about 50 yards from shore.

We pulled over to the side of the road and tried to get their attention but to no avail.

Don't know what exactly can be done to educate everyone who uses the water but clearly there is a need to make people aware, not just boaters.
From what I understand Hawaii regulations state that you must enter the water and exit the water with an approved dive flag.
I cant say I am opposed to securing the flag and proceeding with the dive, for a number of reasons.
Dive flags are designed to indicate to others that there are divers in the immediate area, therefore raising caution about proceeding through the area whether by boat, kayak, canoe, surfboard etc. If divers were required to tow the flag, then surface traffic would tend to assume that divers are only under the flags...and that would not be safe for anyone. I prefer to have boaters see a flag and not know where the divers are, but rather know they are around and proceed with caution. Plus when diving from a dive boat, the flag is stationary...unless each group would be required to carry one in addition to the boat flag.
Finally in the event of an emergency underwater, I would prefer not to have the dive flag line to contend with if at all possible...I have seen too many problems caused by dive flag entanglement.

I will always promote safe diving and agree that ocean recreation activities need to stress the rules of dive flags..ie boating licenses etc...I have too many close calls at E-beach even if we are next to our flag....Ko'olina Cat just doesnt seem to care!
My 2 cents,
if a person can not logically conclude why they would want to tow that float/flag with them then all i can say is good luck with that. after all no scuba diver has ever had to surface unexpectedly. theres just no explaining some peoples logical reasoning.seatbelts are proven to save lives too but even in this day in age people still die from not using seatbelts. so please dive however you like.

dive flag awarness is just that :making people, boaters and divers alike aware of the dive flag so that when the boater sees the flag he or she dont think, "they know" theres a diver near by and will pilot said boat accordingly. it really is that simple no need to come up with all this wayout logic for why you dont want to tow it. you dont want to tow it ? then dont. at least the coast guard will have a starting point.

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