Ditching the poodle jacket

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I am not going to identify my agency. The veiws I expressed are my own so it really doesn't matter where or for whom I work.

If you think all police officers do the job because they can't get a better gig, you are very ignorant on the subject. I don't think what you said was funny and I don't think it is because of some hypersensitivity on my part.

If you want to report my post, feel free. I have spoken my peice and I will not be responding to you any more, it is simply not worth my time and energy to do so.
I am not going to identify my agency.

Of course not. :) No agency, no name, no identity... It's amazing how big and bad you can play when nobody knows who you are, eh?

What if I told you I didn't believe you were an officer of the law? What if I asked you to prove it?

Suddenly, your entire rant sorta loses it's effectiveness. :)

The veiws I expressed are my own so it really doesn't matter where or for whom I work.

Hey, you jumped into the "line of fire," and took a thread that took 30 pages for everyone to get along and made waves... Now you want to wuss out and sidestep direct questions...

If you think all police officers do the job because they can't get a better gig, you are very ignorant on the subject.

I never said that. I said that they enjoy it more than flipping burgers or sweeping floors, and that that is the real reason why they do it - not because they want to "protect and serve" some unknown "loudmouth." it's because that's how they've chosen to make their living.

Now, if YOU think that officers are officers because they can't make a better living, then again, that's your issue and can only be solved from within yourself.

I don't think what you said was funny and I don't think it is because of some hypersensitivity on my part.

Again, I didn't say what you apparently have such a huge issue with... I only supported the humor.

But continuing on the precedent that you've set... "Tough." :)

If you want to report my post, feel free. I have spoken my peice and I will not be responding to you any more, it is simply not worth my time and energy to do so.

Oh, man... Is that all I had to do to get rid of you? :) Don't let the door hit you where you stuffed that cell phone. :)
I have really enjoyed your ignorant rants, misquotes, misinterpetiations, writing a flaming review of a well designed product because you were too stupid to try and find some directions or ask for help from guy who makes them.

Any time you want to take a run at killing a government employee I will give you a shot at the title. Those kinds of statements are REALLY FUNNY until you have burried some co-workers who died in the line protecting ignorant loudmouths like yourself.

If all government employees suck, next time you want to dial 911 just shove the phone up your backside.

Ok ok time out.

This was my offensive comment and I'm feeling EXTREMELY left out. Jeez, what's a gal gotta do to get a dance round here???

Troutmaster - be calm. It was a joke.

Parcelforce are a government agency here. They're not very good at what they do, or what they're meant to do. Government has a habit of this because they're not beholden to shareholders . Private corporations are better at being efficient - within very strictly defined terms because profit drives their operations and directors are answerable to shareholders that care only about their dividend. I don't imagine you need a 101 on lay-man economics anyhow.

But I was only kidding about killing people from parcel force. That would be way too quick. I'd probably work on the torture route first. Which makes a nice circle as I hear some of your government workers over there do a nice line on that too! AND apparently there's now additional space at gitmo so everyone's a winner! :D


p.s. remember - this is all just having fun!

p.p.s. my kit STILL hasn't arrived. They can't find it. ****ing cretins. Wish I was a cop with a gun, then people might take me more seriously when I say in a deep voice 'I want my ****ing parcel, punk'.
DSD: Congratulations! You've made my ignore list.
DSD: Congratulations! You've made my ignore list.

Why? That doesn't make any sense. Some buffoon jumps in (after we're all finally getting along) and throws personal insults at me for saying something that I didn't say...

When I defend myself (and support J in his frustration), I get added to your ignore list?

Do what ya want, man... It doesn't matter to me. It just doesn't make any sense.

Whatever... :shakeshead:

J, I feel for ya, man. Sorry you're going through this. Let us know when something changes - I think we'd all like a fresh opinion and some photos.
Troutmaster - be calm. It was a joke.
Perhaps you and I, living outside the United States, don't really have a feel for why the joke might be very un-funny to a government employee. Americans, unlike Europeans, it seems, have always had a basic distrust of governments--especially our own. We don't like taxes, we don't like curtailment of our rights, we don't like the intrusion of bureaucracy into our lives, and we feel strongly about it. Now the country is in the middle of a great expansion of taxes and intrusion, and it pisses people off. Some get so pissed off they fly their plane into the headquarters of the Internal Revenue building. A climate of extremism is encouraged by hyperbolic media personalities with little regard for the truth, competing to see who can get their constituency angrier. Jokes like yours, in a small way, contribute to that climate. When people endorse the humor, it abets the sense that sentiments such as yours are acceptable--that it is okay to want to kill somebody just because they work for the government. And there are people on the fringe who will act upon it, as we have seen.

I am very unhappy with our government. I do count myself as a proud American, however, and I respect the legitimacy of our freely-elected government, and will pay my taxes, abide by the law, and vote in the next election. That's what made America great.
Ok ok time out.

This was my offensive comment and I'm feeling EXTREMELY left out. Jeez, what's a gal gotta do to get a dance round here???

Troutmaster - be calm. It was a joke.

I understand it was a joke, and I am over it. I viewed the comment made by DSD in light of the other posts of his in this thread and so I responded to him. I am actually a very tolarant person, however his overall demeanor and the way he treated some of the others in this thread I took exception to, and the government employee thing raised my hackles enough that I said something. It quickly became obvious to me that engaging with him was a waste of time and energy, so I stopped doing so.

On the other hand posts of yours I have read have been thoughtfull and on point, so I took your comment as it was intended, as a joke and sign of frustration.

I really hope your gear arrives soon and in one peice. I am also looking to switch to BP/W (which is how I ended up in this thread) so I look forward to further updates.

Dive safe
But I was only kidding about killing people from parcel force. That would be way too quick. I'd probably work on the torture route first. Which makes a nice circle as I hear some of your government workers over there do a nice line on that too! AND apparently there's now additional space at gitmo so everyone's a winner! :D

I'd laugh, but then someone posing as a cop might climb all over my butt (while praising you - go figure that one out) while one or two others dogpile on top of me when I point out his flawed logic and obvious issues.

Whatever. Gear. Subject = gear. Any word yet? Is there anything that someone can do to help you on this side of the pond?

Keep in mind that I import about $3 million in inventory a year, and have some good friends in high places... :)

Americans, unlike Europeans, it seems, have always had a basic distrust of governments--especially our own...

I do count myself as a proud American, however...

Distrust for the government is a core American value. Without it, we'd all still be British. :) It's not taxes or law or free elections that made America great - it's a system of checks and balances - a fancy way of saying, "We don't trust the government." The same goes for our right to bear arms - it's a Constitutional right because the men who built this country knew that when the government is armed and it's people are not, things don't usually go well for the people. :)

Patrick Henry: "The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government."

George Washington: "Government is not reason; it is not eloquence. It is force. And force, like fire, is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."

James Madison: "The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted."

Thomas Jefferson: "Does the government fear us? Or do we fear the government? When the people fear the government, tyranny has found victory. The federal government is our servant, not our master!"

John Adams: "The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty."

We have many reasons - now and then - not to trust the government... And yeah, I'm proud of the fact that I don't. Apparently I'm in good company in the notion.

If that earns me a spot on someone's "ignore list," then so be it.

...But again, whatever... All I did was support someone else's humor... Interestingly, someone who apprarently feels the same way, despite being of a nationality other than American.

I look forward to the day he gets his gear - I hate politics.

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