Ditching the poodle jacket

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C'mon... There was all of this discussion, and now... Nothing? :) I thought you were going to update us on how it all came together...

Nothing. I'm in mourning.

My Freedom plate, ordered from scubatoys, turned 3 or so days after I ordered it. Somewhere around 17 B.C. or so it seems now.

The rest of the kit has yet to turn up.

I spend about an hour each day talking to customs/excise or parcelforce to try to see which one is bull****ting me most on the particular day.

Seems kit is MIA. Am I ****ed off? Am I ****ing what.

I *appear* to be getting closer to nailing where the **** my kit might be but no hard evidence so far.

So I'm not in hiding. I'm in mourning. It's like Jessica Alba agreeing to marry you but never turning up for that consummate date. In fact at this point, I'll take Jessica Alba. I think this would be a more achievable goal in the short term.

I'll post back when I'm either even more irate or when some poor ****er turns up at the door with the kit to be simultaneously kissed and decapitated. I'm nothing if not fair.

Wowch. :(

Okay, standing by... Good luck, my international friend. :) Have faith that it'll all work out. :)
Thanks - it's nice to know my international brothers are standing firm with me, even if their ****wit governmental agencies are standing equally side by side in abject incompetence (although in fairness, it seems to mainly on the UK side).

Will post back when have an update. Pretty frustrating though. I could do with a hug :D

*big hug*

I completely understand - I order overseas all the time. In fact, I'm the US's exclusive importer of very high-end boat lifts designed in Australia and manufactured in Malaysia. They're then freighted into the port of my choice, where the fun with U.S. Customs really begins. :)

All of the lights my company uses come from Germany... And a lot of our instruments and gauges come from Italy.

I completely understand the frustration... And yeah, government entities suck. :)
Got a name? Location? :)

Just kidding. Halfway. :)

Don' put it past no redneck, boah. I gots me da 44-inch tires on my new truck, and I'm-a feelin' pretty unstoppable lately. :)
*big hug*

And yeah, government entities suck. :)

I have really enjoyed your ignorant rants, misquotes, misinterpetiations, writing a flaming review of a well designed product because you were too stupid to try and find some directions or ask for help from guy who makes them.

Any time you want to take a run at killing a government employee I will give you a shot at the title. Those kinds of statements are REALLY FUNNY until you have burried some co-workers who died in the line protecting ignorant loudmouths like yourself.

If all government employees suck, next time you want to dial 911 just shove the phone up your backside.
Lol... Government employee, I take it? :)

Yeah, that's pretty consistent with the attitude that I see from most of them. You're a nice example. :)

...Thanks for proving our point. :)

Any time you want to take a run at killing a government employee I will give you a shot at the title.

Ummmm... It wasn't ME that said anything about killing anyone - I just said that government entities suck. I said nothng about individuals or employees, although you're making a nice impression on your own. :)

...But if you'd like to throw yourself in the line of fire, you're more than welcome to. :)

Those kinds of statements are REALLY FUNNY until you have burried some co-workers who died in the line protecting ignorant loudmouths like yourself.

...That said that government entities suck?

Exactly who died, and who were they "protecting?" And why is this my fault again?

Doesn't your government entity job offer some sort of free psychological counseling to help you deal with this death issue you've got going on here?

Venting your problems in an angry rant on an otherwise unaffiliated scuba-centric website is not very becoming of you. :)

If all government employees suck, next time you want to dial 911 just shove the phone up your backside.

Actually, I said "government entities," (as in the "institution") not "government employees," (as in the "individuals") but thanks for the recommendation. :) Maybe it's different in Michigan, but here in South Carolina we generally avoid shoving items up our backsides. :)

Between your volunteering to be killed, your propensity to jump into a conversation screaming insults, and your lean towards rectal abuse, I'd say that you're overdue for some serious psychological evaluation.

Just sayin'. :)
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The first poster stated "Now can we get to killing the government employees" and your response was "got a name? location?" If there is some other way to read that other than supporting the original post? How is "got a name" not refering to individuals?

Your semantic hair splitting here is the same as you thinking there is a difference between telling someone you don't beleive them when they tell you they personally saw something and calling them a liar.

Once again, if you take the time to READ and UNDERSTAND the post you will see that I did not say you were responsible for the death of the people I was speaking about, just that I do not think joking about killing government employees is funny. I don't have "death issues" other than finding the death of people I know and work with unpleasant, which I think is a fairly normal response.

Plain and simple, I found what you said to be offensive, so I called you on it. If you don't like it, I really don't care. I am a police officer and people in my line of work sometimes give their lives serving the communities they protect. I do not find jokes about killing goverment workers to be funny. Your response, rather than taking a moment to look at what you said and see if maybe you were out of line, is to suggest that I have mental health issues. Have you noticed that you piss alot of people off? You have in this thread. Maybe you should take a look at how you conduct yourself.
The first poster stated "Now can we get to killing the government employees" and your response was "got a name? location?" If there is some other way to read that other than supporting the original post? How is "got a name" not refering to individuals?

Ah, yes... I also said that I swam J's package over myself and that I was feelin' tough because I put 44" tires on my truck.

If you can't see the humor, or if you're too psychologically bent to handle his humor (along with my "support" as you call it), then... Well... You need some counseling.

Your semantic hair splitting here is the same as you thinking there is a difference between telling someone you don't beleive them when they tell you they personally saw something and calling them a liar.

That's not splitting hairs. I really don't want to go down this road again, particularly with a government employee in need of psychological therapy, but...

Let's say that your in a situation where someone asks you, "How are you feeling today?" You respond, "Just great," even though plainly they can see that you've had a rough day... Maybe you're visibly upset, for example.

If they said to you, "I dont believe that," would it have a different impact than, "You're a liar?"

That's not splitting hairs. There's a huge difference between calling someone a liar and telling them that you don't believe something that they just told you. One's a personal attack and insulting, while the other is simply saying, "I don't think that what I've just heard is the truth."

If you can't see the difference, then you're in far worse shape than I thought. :)

Once again, if you take the time to READ and UNDERSTAND the post you will see that I did not say you were responsible for the death of the people I was speaking about,

*sigh* What a lame excuse. :) Just like before, I read and understood your post just fine. Clearly, you believe that we must change our behavior because you are overly sensitive to our frustration with the government, whether that be defined as individuals or institutions.

My question is, "Why is your issue my problem?" Why should *I* invest effort for your problem? If you have a problem (and clearly you do), then why not just go get it fixed?

...Which is what I meant by, "And why is this my fault again?"

In all honesty, you're not being a very good example of a government employee. What branch do you work for? Are you a police officer? Where?

It's just that I do not think joking about killing government employees is funny.

Well, sorry you don't see the humor.

I don't think that it was meant so much as "funny" as it was an expression of frustration due to missing packages, probably coupled with lack of action and a laxidaisical attitude by some individuals. That's speculation, but in the past that's been my experience, and I'm sure that J's experience isn't much different than the ones that I have had.

If you have a problem with that, then don't read it.

Plain and simple, I found what you said to be offensive, so I called you on it.

Uhhhhh... Based on what you said above, you didn't find what *I* said to be offensive, you found what J said to be offensive - and now you're mad at me for "supporting" his joking comment.

If you don't like it, I really don't care.

Me neither. I mean, if you're going to have that attitude (again, a great example of a government employee), then why shouldn't I?

If you don't like what I said, tough. :)

Yeah, you're right - that works fine. :)

I am a police officer and people in my line of work sometimes give their lives serving the communities they protect.

Hogwash. They get killed doing their jobs and putting food on the table for their families. This isn't about something so noble as to "serve and protect," this is about going to work, having a job, and making their car payments and keeping clothes on their kids backs.

Cops that get shot never thought in a million years that they'd get shot... They figured that their brains or brawn or whatever would help them to avoid getting killed. So when they get shot, it's a surprise to them. After all, it's a very small percentage of cops that ever see gunfire anyway.

But why do they continue to take that risk every day? Not for the love of some off-the-wall "loudmouth" that they don't know - it's because the job is exciting and puts food on the table. They do it because that's what they've chosen to do for a living, not for some noble protection of someone that they don't know.

I get tired of hearing that same lame claim - "To protect and serve." Baloney. "To make a living while holding a badge and pretending that I've got some kind of special rights" is more like it. "'Cause if I wasn't doing this, I'd be flipping burgers or sweeping a floor somewhere instead, and this is a lot more fun" is more like it. "'Cause I gotta make rent or my girlfriend's gonna leave me" is more like it. "To protect people we don't know and serve them for no other reason!" Pfffftttt... What a load of garbage!

...Look, the fact that you have deep psychological scars from fellow officers getting killed in the line of duty is not my fault, and it's not my responsibility. If you have a psychological issue, then you must address it yourself, within yourself.

Where are you a police officer? What district?

I do not find jokes about killing goverment workers to be funny.

Good for you. I don't either, but I saw humor in J's expression of frustration.

...But since you've set the precedent above, "If you don't like it, tough." :)

Your response, rather than taking a moment to look at what you said and see if maybe you were out of line, is to suggest that I have mental health issues.

Clearly, you do. It's nothing to be ashamed of... Apparently knowing other fellow officers who have died has left you scarred and a bit hypersensitive to what most would call a harmless comment of frustration, and your aggressive nature toward a supportive bystander (not the one that made the comment) is completely questionable. Clearly, you have some deep issue with whatever happened to your buddy, and I think you should have it addressed. That doesn't imply weakness or anything... You just should work it out so that you're not so abrasive with the people around you.

Personal attacks and insults like what you spewed above are against TOS, totally ineffective, offensive to others, and make you look like an uneducated goon. They're also a good way to get kicked off of this board. I haven't reported it yet (frankly, I feel a little sorry for you and this psychological issue that you're having), but tempt me and I might.

Perhaps as an officer of the law, you'll have an understanding of that. :) Where did you say you were an officer again?

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