Ditching the poodle jacket

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Actually, I was kinda proud to 'pass' the interview! :)

Oh, well, good for you. :) Did he "let" you make a purchase, or do you have to join the fraternity first? Have to "off" anyone to join the gang? :)

P.S....I've now bought 3 of his 'medium' KYDEX plates!

What is kydex, anyway? Plastic? Looks cool... Definitely curious.
Oh, well, good for you. :) Did he "let" you make a purchase, or do you have to join the fraternity first? Have to "off" anyone to join the gang? :)

What is kydex, anyway? Plastic? Looks cool... Definitely curious.

I'm not a chemist, I think it's a mix of 45% "Ky" and 55% "Dex". :) The label on the plate says "thermoplastic". I get another 10% discount for each successful 'drive-by' I do in South Carolina though. :)
Hahahahahhaaaa!!! Dude, you're awesome. :)
Oh, I didn't say that this doesn't happen. I said "here's a product that will permenantly solve the issue." Take the advice or leave it, I don't care... You're more than welcome to have the issue, doff your rig underwater, attempt to repair the issue, and then don your rig underwater

Lots of people use rental gear and don't get to choose. Also, the band coming loose isn't the only reason to make an adjustment underwater

You've got $1,000 to spend on a rig (no regs, no fins, masks etc. - just your buoyancy gig/rig).

How would you spend it :)

I'd buy a second-hand Halcyon Eclipse 30# system for ~$500 and pocket the rest :wink: (btw the wink smiley is defective mods)

I'm not a chemist, I think it's a mix of 45% "Ky" and 55% "Dex"

Heh :)
Lots of people use rental gear and don't get to choose. Also, the band coming loose isn't the only reason to make an adjustment underwater

True... Make sure the strap is threaded properly (it often isn't) and then wet the rig before you tighten it down on the tank. Or... Bring your own travel rig with the strap that I provided a link to. I still don't see that problem as a reason to doff your rig underwater and attempt a fix - get your buddy to do it. It's tough to make happen underwater if it's not on someone's back anyway.

...But hey, that's just my opinion - the solution that has worked for me, that I'm suggesting to you. You may have another solution - or another opinion. :)

You on the other hand appear to be another bore who can't tell a fact from their opinion.

By the way, what was the serial number on your freedom plate.

Just in case any are interested, this is the outcome of the thread where Tobin & several others, didn't say nice things to DSD.


Kern, *I* wasn't the focus of the thread that you posted a link to - the focus was Tobin's customer, whom I stuck up for. You're right - there weren't nice things said to me, but worse, there weren't nice things said to his customer. It was out of control.

I didn't ask for the thread to be closed. NetDoc decided to do that, and I have a feeling it was at Tobin's request. The entire thread didn't look good for anyone, and frankly, it's Tobin's place... So if he didn't like it, it was his choice what to do with it.

...Which is probably why the thread is closed (and apparently deleted) today. I would agree that this was probably the best thing, but my opinion wasn't the deciding factor. :)

Re: The Freedom Plate: Eric and I have already talked. The plate isn't mine - I have never purchased one from him or ScubaToys. I did, however, use one of my guy's, because I'd heard a lot about it here and was excited to try it out. I'm sure that Eric knows who I'm talking about. :)

The plate came to me because my guy asked me to "fix it." Apparently, he couldn't figure it out either, so he brought it to work with him one day. I spent quite a bit of time rigging and rerigging, and my frustration plainly shows through in my review.

For what it's worth, I had no idea that Eric was available here or anywhere online. You have to understand - I see all kinds of funky new products all the time, and when something doesn't work, there's rarely someone to call and talk to... So we never bothered to try to get in touch with someone regarding the plate and why it wasn't working - it was an easy assumption that somebody simply wasn't thinking when they made the plate. Most new products are like that - which is why I said I was the opposite of "sheltered," and it's a dramatically incorrect assumption that I'm "closed minded" or "stuck in the past" or "set in my ways" or whatever I was accused of. Believe me, that's the opposite description of me, and the reason why I'm so attached to backplates, wings, brass n glass, solid rubber items, and the lack of color in fabrics... I see it all, often, and know what works and what doesn't.

Based on my brief discussions with Eric, though, I can see that plainly, it wasn't rigged properly when it was brought to me, and the different things I did to rig it weren't correct, either. What's worse is that there were no screws connecting the plate to it's channel when it was brought to me - there were standard backplate bolts, topped with nylocks. These nylocks don't come with the plate, apparently - I had no way of knowing that.

The bottom line is that the plate made absolutely no sense whatsoever rigged the way it was, and without a center channel, the nylocks were only padded by the cam bands, which did a terrible job under tension. The harness rubbed, the nylocks were painful, and the whole thing was just a really bad idea - which is exactly what I reported in my review.

...But in studying the picture on ScubaToys and discussing things with Eric, clearly, the poor review is unwarranted and undeserved because of a poor rigging job. Let's face it - I had no idea that the plate wasn't supposed to be rigged like any other plate, and apparently my guy wasn't either because he brought it to me in frustration.

I've written the guys at ScubaToys and asked them to remove my review. An apology to Eric for the poor review - clearly, the product needs to be assembled properly and rigged properly before a valid review can be written... And it wasn't.

For what it's worth, I'm sure that my guy will be thrilled to find out that his purchase may not have been in vain after all. Frankly, I'd like to dive the plate again after it's been rigged properly, because it's a new idea with clear promise and something that we all wanted to see work.

Kern, for what it's worth, I have never attacked anyone personally or called anyone names... All of my posts have been directed towards gear or styles or skills or whatever... Never personal insults, which is against the ScubaBoard Terms of Service (TOS), and I'd appreciate reciprocated respect. :) Fair?
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True... Make sure the strap is threaded properly (it often isn't) and then wet the rig before you tighten it down on the tank. Or... Bring your own travel rig with the strap that I provided a link to. I still don't see that problem as a reason to doff your rig underwater and attempt a fix - get your buddy to do it. It's tough to make happen underwater if it's not on someone's back anyway.

...But hey, that's just my opinion - the solution that has worked for me, that I'm suggesting to you. You may have another solution - or another opinion. :)

Kern, *I* wasn't the focus of the thread that you posted a link to - the focus was Tobin's customer, whom I stuck up for. You're right - there weren't nice things said to me, but worse, there weren't nice things said to his customer. It was out of control.

I didn't ask for the thread to be closed. NetDoc decided to do that, and I have a feeling it was at Tobin's request. The entire thread didn't look good for anyone, and frankly, it's Tobin's place... So if he didn't like it, it was his choice what to do with it.

...Which is probably why the thread is closed (and apparently deleted) today. I would agree that this was probably the best thing, but my opinion wasn't the deciding factor. :)

Re: The Freedom Plate: Eric and I have already talked. The plate isn't mine - I have never purchased one from him or ScubaToys. I did, however, use one of my guy's, because I'd heard a lot about it here and was excited to try it out. I'm sure that Eric knows who I'm talking about. :)

The plate came to me because my guy asked me to "fix it." Apparently, he couldn't figure it out either, so he brought it to work with him one day. I spent quite a bit of time rigging and rerigging, and my frustration plainly shows through in my review.

For what it's worth, I had no idea that Eric was available here or anywhere online. You have to understand - I see all kinds of funky new products all the time, and when something doesn't work, there's rarely someone to call and talk to... So we never bothered to try to get in touch with someone regarding the plate and why it wasn't working - it was an easy assumption that somebody simply wasn't thinking when they made the plate. Most new products are like that - which is why I said I was the opposite of "sheltered," and it's a dramatically incorrect assumption that I'm "closed minded" or "stuck in the past" or "set in my ways" or whatever I was accused of. Believe me, that's the opposite description of me, and the reason why I'm so attached to backplates, wings, brass n glass, solid rubber items, and the lack of color in fabrics... I see it all, often, and know what works and what doesn't.

Based on my brief discussions with Eric, though, I can see that plainly, it wasn't rigged properly when it was brought to me, and the different things I did to rig it weren't correct, either. What's worse is that there were no screws connecting the plate to it's channel when it was brought to me - there were standard backplate bolts, topped with nylocks. These nylocks don't come with the plate, apparently - I had no way of knowing that.

The bottom line is that the plate made absolutely no sense whatsoever rigged the way it was, and without a center channel, the nylocks were only padded by the cam bands, which did a terrible job under tension. The harness rubbed, the nylocks were painful, and the whole thing was just a really bad idea - which is exactly what I reported in my review.

...But in studying the picture on ScubaToys and discussing things with Eric, clearly, the poor review is unwarranted and undeserved because of a poor rigging job. Let's face it - I had no idea that the plate wasn't supposed to be rigged like any other plate, and apparently my guy wasn't either because he brought it to me in frustration.

I've written the guys at ScubaToys and asked them to remove my review. An apology to Eric for the poor review - clearly, the product needs to be assembled properly and rigged properly before a valid review can be written... And it wasn't.

For what it's worth, I'm sure that my guy will be thrilled to find out that his purchase may not have been in vain after all. Frankly, I'd like to dive the plate again after it's been rigged properly, because it's a new idea with clear promise and something that we all wanted to see work.

Kern, for what it's worth, I have never attacked anyone personally or called anyone names... All of my posts have been directed towards gear or styles or skills or whatever... Never personal insults, which is against the ScubaBoard Terms of Service (TOS), and I'd appreciate reciprocated respect. :) Fair?

Thanks for the re-review :) and it's great to see someone big enough to admit they were wrong. Again, I mean that. Freedom plate's back on the menu :wink:

You did studiously however avoid any reply to me with regard to my not so unusual scenarios. I do agree though that most (all) of the practises I've described I wouldn't undertake myself normally and if you've squeezed in a couple of billion dives and not needed it then perhaps it is indeed not necessary. I'm lucky anyhow so I'm happy to bet on that :D

Sounds like Tobin's a 'character'. It brings to this Monty Python sketch. Not sure why :blinking:

YouTube - Monty Python: The Argument Clinic: Director's Cut

Have fun everyone and thanks for all the helpful input. A good scrap is often a good way to find the ins and outs of the issue.

...But hey, that's just my opinion - the solution that has worked for me, that I'm suggesting to you. You may have another solution - or another opinion

I don't need a solution, I dive halcyon cam bands with octogrips and have never had one come loose or need adjusting; although I've fixed more than one loose cam band underwater for other divers, usually because they didn't wet them first. But I have my own travel rig and the advantage of using the same/similar gear on most dives. I was just pointing out that your solution, while a good one in ideal circumstances, isn't practical for everyone

I've also known people to get in the water with rental gear and find that they have their tank too high or low in the band, affecting their trim and/or hitting them in the head/butt, and I think it's a good skill to have to be comfortable enough to ditch your rig and adjust it, in the right circumstances, rather than going to the surface
Kern, *I* wasn't the focus of the thread that you posted a link to - the focus was Tobin's customer, whom I stuck up for. You're right - there weren't nice things said to me, but worse, there weren't nice things said to his customer. It was out of control.

I didn't ask for the thread to be closed. NetDoc decided to do that, and I have a feeling it was at Tobin's request. The entire thread didn't look good for anyone, and frankly, it's Tobin's place... So if he didn't like it, it was his choice what to do with it.

...Which is probably why the thread is closed (and apparently deleted) today. I would agree that this was probably the best thing, but my opinion wasn't the deciding factor. :)

Re: The Freedom Plate: Eric and I have already talked. The plate isn't mine - I have never purchased one from him or ScubaToys. I did, however, use one of my guy's, because I'd heard a lot about it here and was excited to try it out. I'm sure that Eric knows who I'm talking about. :)

The plate came to me because my guy asked me to "fix it." Apparently, he couldn't figure it out either, so he brought it to work with him one day. I spent quite a bit of time rigging and rerigging, and my frustration plainly shows through in my review.

For what it's worth, I had no idea that Eric was available here or anywhere online. You have to understand - I see all kinds of funky new products all the time, and when something doesn't work, there's rarely someone to call and talk to... So we never bothered to try to get in touch with someone regarding the plate and why it wasn't working - it was an easy assumption that somebody simply wasn't thinking when they made the plate. Most new products are like that - which is why I said I was the opposite of "sheltered," and it's a dramatically incorrect assumption that I'm "closed minded" or "stuck in the past" or "set in my ways" or whatever I was accused of. Believe me, that's the opposite description of me, and the reason why I'm so attached to backplates, wings, brass n glass, solid rubber items, and the lack of color in fabrics... I see it all, often, and know what works and what doesn't.

Based on my brief discussions with Eric, though, I can see that plainly, it wasn't rigged properly when it was brought to me, and the different things I did to rig it weren't correct, either. What's worse is that there were no screws connecting the plate to it's channel when it was brought to me - there were standard backplate bolts, topped with nylocks. These nylocks don't come with the plate, apparently - I had no way of knowing that.

The bottom line is that the plate made absolutely no sense whatsoever rigged the way it was, and without a center channel, the nylocks were only padded by the cam bands, which did a terrible job under tension. The harness rubbed, the nylocks were painful, and the whole thing was just a really bad idea - which is exactly what I reported in my review.

...But in studying the picture on ScubaToys and discussing things with Eric, clearly, the poor review is unwarranted and undeserved because of a poor rigging job. Let's face it - I had no idea that the plate wasn't supposed to be rigged like any other plate, and apparently my guy wasn't either because he brought it to me in frustration.

I've written the guys at ScubaToys and asked them to remove my review. An apology to Eric for the poor review - clearly, the product needs to be assembled properly and rigged properly before a valid review can be written... And it wasn't.

For what it's worth, I'm sure that my guy will be thrilled to find out that his purchase may not have been in vain after all. Frankly, I'd like to dive the plate again after it's been rigged properly, because it's a new idea with clear promise and something that we all wanted to see work.

Kern, for what it's worth, I have never attacked anyone personally or called anyone names... All of my posts have been directed towards gear or styles or skills or whatever... Never personal insults, which is against the ScubaBoard Terms of Service (TOS), and I'd appreciate reciprocated respect. :) Fair?

Your quite the revisionist. You may not have been the focus to start, but you were certainly the dog pile as Net Doc puts it, that became the focus quick enough.

You had a lot to say in Tobins forum. When challenged you admitted to never having seen the gear you were talking about. That didn't stop you from going on, & on, & on of course. And no, only your dog pile was removed, the thread is still there.

You see a freedom plate, you know nothing about it, but you're happy to condemn it on an international site. You couldn't figure it out so of course its just rubbish. Is this the sort of behaviour that I should respect?

You don't like to be called a bore, but it's OK for you to imply that others are liars. If you don't want to be seen as a bore, stop behaving like one.

Sorry Drink, I'll now return you to your usual program & leave you in peace.

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