Ditching the poodle jacket

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I'd either buy a complete single tank rig from Tobin (less than $500) or look for a used BP/W setup, and then I'd spend the other $500 on a used canister light. I honestly think a good, focused light is a critical piece of safety equipment for anyone who is diving in cold water.
Cool your boots. It wasn't me or Sas. It was someone we were diving with (ok, one of our buddys). I leave only bubbles (really).

In terms of risk/reward - come on, get real. On a 90 min 7m (30ft) dive you'll prick around with pretty much anything cos it's fun. If it kills you then you really deserve it.

I mean, come on.


(FYI I've never killed or harmed as far as I know any organism including reefs underwater). I am fond of chicken however.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
Edmund Burke
and we are getting increasingly off topic.

To bring it back in line, scubafanatic:

You've got $1,000 to spend on a rig (no regs, no fins, masks etc. - just your buoyancy gig/rig).

How would you spend it :)


Here's a no-brainer, go for the Oxycheq Vertex Extreme series wings (Extreme 'armoured' fabric) 360 degree 'donut' aircells. Presently I've got a 40# singles wing , a 42# dual bladder wing, and a 57# dual bladder wing. For your needs, go with either the 30# or 40# singles wing. IMHO, this is the BEST wing on the planet, bar none!
The demo video is pretty doggone impressive. :)

YouTube - OxyCheq Mach V Extreme Wing

That said, I can't imagine anyone beating up wings as much as I do, and I've never holed a wing - not even the old Pioneers, which, by today's standards, would be pretty wimpy. I have, however, worn them out... Gotten the stitches to fray and come apart, worn them into a brown ragtag of bleached fabric, and worn out dozens of inflators.

Every time, Halcyon has replaced any errant wing with a brand new one, free of charge. Regardless of how long I've owned it. Regardless of the fact that they know I'm a commercial diver. Always the same day, right on the spot.

I've never owned an Oxycheq - but I can tell you that I know a lot of guys that have one. They look pretty doggone nice, and the owners seem really happy with them.

Not really a fan of the "flap" over the elbow, the plastic inflator hose, and the length of the inflator hose - I prefer Halcyon's design better - but again, the Oxycheq looks to be a very high quality wing, and these are probably minor nuances.

Oxycheq's plates, however (made by the recluse Scott Koplin), are tops, IMHO.

One of my guys has a DSS system. Looks to be a high quality unit, too, but the guy who owns it is new, and I haven't really studied the system much.

I didn't appreciate the way that I saw Tobin treat one of his clients here on SB... Not to mention that he was pretty foul to me, too... So I wouldn't buy a glass of water from the guy if I'd walked the desert for three days - but his products may be good.
Well I have to say I've sent a large number of people to DSS to get gear, and Tobin's been uniformly extremely helpful -- and more than that, really intent on getting people into the RIGHT gear for them, even if it isn't necessary what they're insisting they want.

In a world where too many vendors want to sell the most expensive stuff they have, instead of what the diver in question will be happiest with, I find Tobin a refreshing difference.

And I just want to add that I have no commercial or financial association with DSS. I just like them.
I didn't appreciate the way that I saw Tobin treat one of his clients here on SB... Not to mention that he was pretty foul to me, too... So I wouldn't buy a glass of water from the guy if I'd walked the desert for three days - but his products may be good.

I really find this comment amusing! Step out of your shoes and look how you are treating people. It is not very pretty.
Well I have to say I've sent a large number of people to DSS to get gear, and Tobin's been uniformly extremely helpful

Yeah, I've heard that about Tobin. He's apparently got a very good reputation. He wasn't kind to me, though, and wasn't kind to his client. 'Nough said. Maybe it was a fluke.

and more than that, really intent on getting people into the RIGHT gear for them, even if it isn't necessary what they're insisting they want.

Hmmmmm... Dunno if that's a good thing or not. :) That sales tactic wouldn't work with me. :)

Let's talk about something else - I have had precisely ONE experience with him, and it wasn't good. In fact, it was quite bad. :) That's a "zero" batting average with me, but "1" isn't a very good statistical sample. :) Suffice to say, though, that he won't be getting any of my $20k annual gear budget. :( I don't care if his plates are made of unobtanium and come with built-in holographic treasure maps. :)
I really find this comment amusing! Step out of your shoes and look how you are treating people. It is not very pretty.

*sigh* You again? :) What do you want now?
I didn't appreciate the way that I saw Tobin treat one of his clients here on SB... Not to mention that he was pretty foul to me, too... So I wouldn't buy a glass of water from the guy if I'd walked the desert for three days - but his products may be good.

Tobin is the only vendor I've ever purchased from who 'interviewed' me before selling me his products......which is a bit 'different', but I'm heavily involved in customer service/inbound call center environment of America's largest 401K plan 'recordkeeping' company......diplomacy is central to my job role, and I have to be able to handle pretty much ANY customer (young/old...rich/poor.....smart/not so smart...happy/unhappy...investment savy/newbie....male/female.....mulitcultural...US citizen/not US citizen)....so I'm pretty good at getting along with just about anyone, and figuring out...really fast......what makes someone tick......so Tobin surprised me for a few seconds anyway, but I didn't take it personally, 'worked' with it, and ultimately we had a good conversation, and I'm convinced Tobin means well, honestly wants to do what's best for the customer, and is quite intelligent. Actually, I was kinda proud to 'pass' the interview! :) I may think a bit outside the box, scuba gear wise, but there is a very well reasoned 'method to my madness', which I think I successfully communicated.

P.S....I've now bought 3 of his 'medium' KYDEX plates!

I will be honest here and add that I'd initially tried to order his 'plates' via my local DSS retailer, and Tobin's staff was quite rude to my local dive shop, making the young man who made manufacturer inquiries on my behalf at the dive shop quite upset, which made me feel very bad too, and caused this shop to immediately terminate it's DSS dealership/relationship, and they refused (understandably so) to ever be the go-between for me ever again....sooo, it's just me buying directly on the WWW from DSS. DSS did make the KYDEX plates I had my heart set on though, so I persisted, and I'll admit when I initially dealt with Tobin I got some pushback in fulfilling my requirements (all I wanted were the length/width dimensions to see what size plate would fit my requirements)...after some 'diplomacy' I managed to get the info, and finally place my orders...so yeah, it was a little rough/wierd, but hey I AM dealing with California ! :)

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