A lot of new divers get pushed into buying gear early do 25 dives and don't stick with it. There is a glut of really good gear that has been lightly used on eBay or Craig's List. I bought my tanks off of Craig's list. It took a while for exactly the ones I wanted to show up, but I got them (2x 120s) for $250 (plus a bunch of loose gear). I spent $400 on a BCD (SP Nighthawk) and SP G260/ MK25 with a gauge, compass and hose integrated computer. All this gear I have been using for more than ten years. All my used gear came from Craig's list, so I was able to inspect it first hand.
Even if you pay someone to service it, it is a lot more cost effective than buy retail new. You do have somewhat more risk buy a regulator that was run over by a car, but that is less likely. Good gear will be good as new if properly serviced.
Basically junking new gear that should have a 20 year life expectancy is terrible idea not only from an economic stand point, but from an environmental one as well. There are tons of perfectly serviceable regulators out there looking for homes.