Dang, I lose.BigboyDan:Took cave classes in 1998/9 from Gary Taylor, NACD. - now at Oceanic Ventures, Houston: Technical EANx Cave, Adv. Cave (Survey), and Advanced Cave (Multi-Stage). There are underwater caves (not systems, per se) here in Central Texas lakes/rivers - we futz around in them. Nothing here is like Cental Florida, Slovakia, or Quintana Roo, though. Maybe if I moved to Gainesville..., wait, then I'd have to give up 75 IQ points.
Head out to a real cave (dry cave.. like Carlsbad, or I suppose wet caves in certain areas) to see the real draw... the world in real caves is so completely different from our world, or even the ocean, that it's easy to see why they're so damn interesting.