"Different" Women?

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AquaTec once bubbled...
it will not be long that the demagraphics of diving are the same as skiing

It's like everything else - as us boomers age we have the money and time to spend on leisure activities, and tend to include our families in group activities.

We also skew any demographic upwards. I'm sure you've heard about the changing demographic of the avergae Harley buyer. In the last ten years it's gone up to 45.6 years old with an average income of $72,500.

Marc (still waiting for my Harley) :jester:
AquaTec - just so your idea of women who post with no pics - I post and I have a pic.

As for being a thrill seeker...certainly not!

Although I can understand where your coming from with this thread, I notice this wouldnt be aimed a the gentlemen of the board. As we are women participating within a male dominated sport means we're thrill seekers?!? That just goes to show there is still a significant ignorance about diving being for both genders.

I believe the dive industry is still trying to keep up with todays society - looking at how long diving has been a recreation sport and how long its been since equipment has been designed for women....its just taking its time to catch up!

I also agree with what art.chick has to say on it too ! :D

AquaTec - enjoy my pic !!!!
art.chick once bubbled...
The women I see taking classes either have not had kids yet or are done raising their kids. I have NEVER met an OW women who has small kids at home.

So who is the average OW female student that I see (and this may vary by region): Educated white or Asian with a professional job age 26-34, no kids, usually unmarried, independent living. I will also add that the vast majority start out with trim bodies as the "average" woman is very self-conscious in a swimsuit even when "perfect." So that really limits it, huh?

Hmm - close. :) I fit most of the profile - but I am a single mother with a 6 year old. Once I divorced my ex, I certainly wasn't better off financially - but scuba was something I've always wanted to do and it's an obsession that I now fit into my life. Luckily I have a great family that are willing to provide baby-sitting services whenever I want to go diving. In fact, I just tried to convince my daughter to wear the greatest Halloween costume - a scuba diver, complete with a blow up plastic tank. :D She didn't go for it.

Trim body? That's all relative, I guess. Enough said on that. :wink:

As for my picture - well, I kind of like the anonymity, but more importantly, I'm pretty inept with my computer.
Yes I do think I'm different than most women. I stand up for myself and have been more adventurous than the average woman. I don't do my nails and I couldn't do a french braid to save my life. As a child I played with GI Joe rather than Barbie. I do care about my appearance and usually try to look nice but my look is more blue jeans and boots. I've been skydiving (yes it IS expensive isn't it) but consider diving a far more safe activity (you couldn't share a chute with a buddy).

I find that most men are very pleased to see a competant female diver. I am a little apprehensive of my future however. I have completed my Rescue certification and am going to pursue my Divemaster and hopefully beyond. I have already been "subtley" informed that I may have a problem getting respect from male students. My husband is also pursuing the same certifications and he seems to be more desireable as a pool-side assistant than I am. I'm afraid I may have to go on an extended trip and get my Divemaster elsewhere.

Anyone else have these problems and if so, how did ya assert yourself??
well, I know I shouldn't be even reading this :embarr:

but two things occur to me that I feel need to be said.

1. most of the women that it has been my pleasure to dive with have a far more analytical, and less panic prone mindset than the men.


2. what does posting a pic have to do with anything?????
I was wondering also what posting a picture had to do with this string............
I wouldn't say that I am any different than other women. Diving is just a sport that I am pursuing now. I think you see the same ranges in the women divers that you do with the male divers. Some are thrill seekers- taking chances and being macha, "yahoos" I call them. The others are somewhere in the middle- enjoying the sport and what you can see, and diving safely.
In my limited experience, I have noticed that the majority of women either have not had children OR their children are older and dive with them.
Jus my 2 cents worth.
Like many previous contributors to this thread, I've never had time for those (ranging from the well-meaning to the patronisingly ignorant to the downright sexist) who have nothing better to do than to categorically denigrate women.

I'm 36, Rescue Diver, shortly to embark on a Divemaster's course and I do have some apprehensions having experienced unwelcome and inappropriate comments and behaviour from men. I am aware of my strengths and limitations and have no desire to put on a display of machismo - or should I say idiocy.

Am I different? I consider myself independent, self-sufficient with a fair degree of confidence. In my youth, I've indulged in contact sports, outdoor activities and I've always enjoyed travels to faraway places (mostly solo).

I'm happily single, long divorced and child-free. Diving is a pastime where I can meet women and men of similar lifestyles. In my travels, I've met both recreational and professional diving women who, like myself, won't put up with the crap and the sexual double standards that are all too common.
Maybe it's not so much a question of gender.
I have found that the people who dive (regardless of being men or women) are often more adventurous than the average persons. For instance, many times the people who dive are the same that are also skiing and have tried sky diving and have travelled to out of the way places...

I have been diving since '95 and never had any comments about diving and being a woman.

That being said, I have met couples where the man is putting pressure on the woman to dive, even though she is terrified of diving. Or the woman is putting pressure on herself to dive because the man is diving and she would like them to share common interests. Obviously, when someone is diving and not feeling comfortable with it, nobody is really having a good time and it could lead to panic situations.
I wonder if it also happens so much the other way round, the woman putting pressure on the man to dive?
and proud of it. Adventurous - yep, if ya can't get hurt, don't bother! Thrill seeker/ risk taker ? - getting out of bed in the morning is risky. The unexamined life is not worth living. This is not dress rehearsal, as Dee said, no regrets, no shoulda-woulda-coulda.

I am highly educated, make no apologies, nor will I hide my intelligence. I am part owner in a software firm and have developed real estate holdings without my husband. I usually do not wear makeup nor have my hair done. I can put down a tile floor in the morning and attend the ballet that night and fit in equally well in both settings. Sundays you can find me at the Eagles game.

I respect people, not gender. I am told I am intimidating to both men and women. I am self-sufficient. My friends have a dive buddy, who is female, not a female dive buddy.

I believe as women achieve more equitable status, we will perhaps see more in the dive community. But - maybe not. My 'girly-girl' friends would never be caught looking like I do after a dive or 5! But that is their decision. Are there boards out there to discuss nail color, shoe styles and designer trends?

Aqua-Tec - you were not inferring nor implying that the reason many female board members do not post pics is because we are funny looking and have horns or something, were you? BTW - I have a pic of my husband and myself (no horns!) out there.

Now, let's have a thread about Men, Machismo, Testosterone and the Stupid things they do... I have some great stories!

Yep... okay... sure...
Scuba is something I wanted to do for a long time... lack of willing partners was holding me back. Then, what the heck, I found an instructor and took the plunge! All by my self! Am I lovin' it - sure am!!!:D

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